Copyright 2005 by William G. Covington, Jr. PhD

Formal education emphasizes the left hemisphere of the brain, the part that processes information in a rational, logical way. However, in recent years, there has been increased interest in exploring the overlooked right hemisphere which houses the intuitive, creative activities. Some people have been so focused on the logical side that they have largely ignored the value of developing this less explored arena.

It should be noted that every healthy person has the potential to cultivate the use of his or her intuition. It's a matter of tapping what is there. There are some strategies that can be used to stimulate this portion of the brain that can lead to more creative insight and productivity. They are not that difficult to do and the potential reward is worth the effort.

1. Take note of the fact that the right side of the brain does not process information in a logical way. It can be programmed. To begin the process, keep in mind that the subconscious can work for or against you depending on the material it is given.

2. Remember the right side of the brain takes in images, sensual stimuli and feelings. It is not geared to process information in a linear way like the left hemisphere.

3. "Visualization" is a term often used by writers to describe the step in the creative process of "imaging" something before becomes reality. Visualization is enhanced when more of the senses are included. For example to "see" an object with one's "mind's eye" and "smell" it with one's inner consciousness intensifies the experience. Add the other senses, i.e., touch, taste and sound and it becomes that much more intensified.

4. Repetition has to do with reinforcing this imaginary experience over and over in one's mind. Reinforcement establishes the experience in the subconscious. Keep in mind that the right hemisphere cannot tell imagination from reality, therefore it accepts what is programmed into it.

5. Talk positively about yourself, your goals, your plans to achieve certain objectives repeatedly so that your subconscious habitually accepts this pattern of thought and behavior.

6. Feed your conscious mind positive materials so these can be picked up by the subconscious, right hemisphere. Have the two work together. Focus on strengths and on what is right rather than dwell on the negative.

7. Create an environment conducive to productivity. Remember all of the senses can be included in the process. Think about colors, lighting, smells, sounds, tastes, touches,and explore even more potential sources of mental input. Experiment with what works best for you as an individual.

8. Play and relax. Stress inhibits creativity. Work that is playful is creative and enjoyable. It is an extension of one's personality. Sometimes a walk will help to release chemicals in the brain that will enable one to return to the task at hand refreshed.

9. Stay connected to a support system. Helpful feedback and interaction with other people can be a source of stimulation. It can be a means of encouragement.

10. Feed your success regularly. Success is a never-ending lifestyle that can be maintained in that one success leads to another. Celebrate victories as they happen. Large projects come about as smaller ones are completed. Make room along the way to relish accomplishments as they occur. Enjoy the journey, not just arriving at the destination.

Author's Bio: 

William G. Covington, Jr. PhD has published extensively on motivation and management. His background is in media management, journalism and higher education.