September 23 – October 22

Ascendant Crystal: Rose Quartz

As an Ascendant in Libra you present yourself to the world as being charming and well dressed. You like everything around you to be in harmony and stylish, which includes your home, your office, your attire and everything in between.

Another characteristic of a ascendant in Libra is their in ability to make decisions and going from one extreme to the other. You are considered to be the most congenial of all zodiac signs and relationships are very important to you. You can tend to have a people pleasing side to you, however, this can come with a double sided sword as you also have an ambitious and unsympathetic heart and can also tend to be a little selfish. How extreme these characteristics are depends on your sun sign.

You can soften any of your less than charming characteristics by carrying a Rose Quartz; this will attract unconditional love and peaceful relationships of all kinds.

You feel best when dressed in complimenting colors and rich fabrics that are considered to be rated at well dressed; you tend to want to have a good appearance rather than actually looking and being confident. Again wearing and/or carrying a Rose Quartz will encourage self-confidence and loving yourself rather than pleasing others.

Basically the rose quartz is your best friend to have with you at all times, it neutralizes all the negative rough edges to your ascendant sign and brings peace and balance into your life. It helps you to be more creative and to acquire inner peace. This also assists with your selfish nature and deep tendency to people pleasing, and allows you to diminish your need for perfection and being in relationships that feel suffocating. So keep this best friend crystal with you at all times.

Author's Bio: 

Darlene has researched, practiced and implemented many spiritual and personal growth paths and now offers these services for her clients: Wise Woman Teachings Wellness Coach; Crystal Readings for Vibrant Living; Gentle Touch Energy Healer; Spa Treatments for Vibrant Living. She resides in California in her own personal wellness center and sanctuary. She brings her wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self to you in all that she does. Darlene's mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their inner balance for the mind, body, spirit connection; which brings peace, joy and prosperity into their lives. Receive her f.ree report "Learn 7 Ways to Manifest Abundance With Crystals" at Spirited Boutique Darlene Siddons