
Drug abuse harp on the matter of misuse or overuse of certain specified substances. To elaborate, these substances are psychological stimulants and performance-enhancing drugs that have been used for non-healing purposes. Alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, methaqualone, opium alkaloids and mild tranquilizers are some of the substances that are most widely misused. The use of these substances brings on criminal prosecutions against the user, apart from the obvious physical and psychological damages. And add to it the social discrimination that will follow.

Causes of Drug abuse

Psychological : The brain is set up, people can easily develop a psychological dependence on a drug. Certain drugs like caffeine and nicotine activate brain reward systems, and the brain responds by releasing chemicals that have effects ranging from a change in mood to outright euphoria.

Physiological: A condition in which a person's body requires certain behaviors or the intake of some substance, without which it will become ill.

Substance addiction: A condition in which a person is dependent on some chemical substance, such as cocaine or heroin.

The Environment: In our biochemical society, we hear mixed messages about the use of psychoactive drugs. Some, such as alcohol and tobacco, are accepted, while use of hard drugs is condemned. Some drug use is glamorized in the media, while different states have different standards for public intoxication. All of this makes it easier for people to accept drug use as "normal".

Past trauma is a factor that causes many people to use drugs.Sexual abuse, loss of a loved one or some sort of an accident are all things someone would want to forget. Often times, people will deal with these problems and temporarily allow themselves to forget about them by using drugs.

Symptoms of Drug Abuse

1) Loss of appetite or increase in appetite; noticeable weight loss or gain.

2)Smelling of alcohol, marijuana, or stale smoke

3) Frequent minor illnesses (headaches, nausea, slight tremors, flu-like symptoms,vomiting, sluggishness)

4) General lack of motivation, energy, self-esteem, an "I don't care" attitude. Difficulty paying attention; forgetfulness.

5) Using drug slang, talking about drugs

6) Neglects taking prescribed medications or takes more medications than usual
• Memory lapses

Types of Drug abuse

Excitants Drugs which produce cerebral excitation and behavioral stimulation without altering consciousness. This group includes caffeine, amphetamines

Alcohol:Drinking a large ammount of alcohol drinks such as wine, beer, spirits can lead to every day drinking financial problems and it can be very dangerous to your body causing illnes such as damage your kidney and liver and turn into acancer, it can also damage your brain, and eye sight. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can be very harmful to the unborn baby causing premature birth, it can delay the development of the child through its growth, lead to very bad behaviour, fall back in school, and various health problems.Cigarette can also cause damage to your health such as lung cancer and be harmfull to unborn babies.

Cocaine:Cocaine is a natural stimulant that derives from the Erythroxylan Coca plant which can be found in South America on the eastern slopes of the Andes. It is commonly found in a fine powdered form that is snorted, or liquefies and injected.

Heroine: Pure Heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste.

Marijuana: A green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant.

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