Depending on your primary behavioral traits, you may have an easier or more difficult time handling your finances, but the good news is that anyone can learn the skills necessary to manage money wisely.

Dominance and Finances
A person who is high in Dominance likes being in charge, making decisions and making things happen—all characteristics that serve them very well when it comes to their finances. What’s more, they’re highly motivated by money, so planning for financial security comes very easily to them.

A person who is high in Dominance tends to focus on the Big Picture. In the case of their finances, they may decide that it’s time to begin setting aside money for their child’s education or begin saving for retirement. So they make a plan, and put it into action. Dominance people are also self-confident and decisive risk-takers—which gives them the ability to trust themselves and their intuition as they plan for the future and commit themselves to a course of action.

It’s important to remember that EACH OF US has some Dominance within us, just waiting to be put to good use.

The Impact of Money
As you know, there isn’t a part of our lives that money doesn’t touch. It’s the driving force behind our need to spend a good chunk of our lives working. It affects our relationships, what we do with our leisure time, and our ability to make our dreams become reality.

Money also has a major impact on the very core of our self-esteem. If we don’t feel we have enough money, we may feel inferior to the people around us, and humiliated that we can’t keep up with the Joneses. If we have MORE than the people around us, we may feel oddly embarrassed about that, too.

Identifying Your Financial Goals
So what are your financial goals? As Henry S. Brock, author of Your Complete Guide to Money Happiness, says:
“Take the time to set a master plan. To start, ask yourself: Where do I want to be three years from now? Five years from now? What kind of person do I want to be (not seem) physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, spiritually, and financially? Create a vivid picture of yourself in these six different areas of your life. Determine whether you want to match that picture badly enough. It takes vision to see the future, vivid visualization to see yourself doing it, creative imagining, and emotional commitment.”

Brock also suggests to use those pictures to create a list—in writing—of what you need to accomplish to achieve those goals. Set yearly goals, then break those goals into quarterly goals, monthly goals and weekly goals.

Gratitude is Essential
Believe it or not, cultivating an attitude of gratitude—no matter what the shape of your life at the moment—is an EXCELLENT way to increase your level of prosperity.

Finding blessings in your current situation and ways to get the most out of what you HAVE NOW opens the doors to EXPECTANCY which lets you feel lucky and happy about what you have, and eager and optimistic about the prosperity that is UNDOUBTEDLY waiting for you around the bend.

The Miracle of Giving
There is a concept in Eastern spiritual tradition called the dharma of money, which means the “right action” of money. The basic idea is that money is like water and we must keep it flowing through our lives. If we open our hearts to receive it joyously and share it, more can come flowing in. If we clench it tight and hoard it, the flow will slow to a trickle and then stop completely.

Abundance is a State of Mind
As we’ve been discussing. our financial security has very little to do with our jobs, or our commitment to clearing up our debts or putting money aside for “our futures.”

What’s much more important than any of that is our ATTITUDE about money, whether we feel comfortable or uncomfortable with money, and whether we’re dragging around fears and anxieties about money that are holding us back financially.

Remind yourself that you HAVE THE POWER right now to easily obtain your dreams of prosperity. What’s more, you have the ability to rise WELL BEYOND those dreams by adopting some of the age-old laws of prosperity.

Author's Bio: 

Marti Eicholz, Ph.D. is founder of the Institute for Transformation in Kirkland, Washington. She is also a national speaker, radio personality and the author of five books. Her most recent title is Personal Relationships: The Art of Living Together. Learn more about the Institute for Transformation at