The requirements for success are often listed in business manuals and magazines. How many of those enviable qualities do you have ? Or to put it differently, if you had them would you be able to recognize them? Would you be sufficiently objective to be able to assess yourself with complete honesty?

The problem is that anyone’s opinion about his ability to succeed is tied up with his self-image. And this of course, makes it very difficult to be objective. When it comes to questions about our own abilities we can’t help but be biased. As a result, there is very little chance that we will ever be able to judge our potential for success with any degree of accuracy.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were some sort of gauge that you could use to check your achievement potential? So that you could know and recognise the areas where you fell short without having to spend months in therapy?

The remarkable thing is that the clues to your potential for success are embedded in your handwriting. The way you write speaks volumes about your will to achieve, your drive, your ambition and your self-esteem.

Handwriting cannot predict success. But it can reveal if you have the personality or strength of character that successful people are made of. Your handwriting shows your strengths and your weaknesses with equal objectivity. But of course you do need to know how to read the signs.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Fisher is a qualified handwriting analyst. You can discover more about yourself and your handwriting at her website, Graphic Insight For articles, and tips about the secrets revealed by handwriting
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