Unless you are a hermit living on a desert island or high on a mountain, you will most likely have to learn how communication in relationships works. You will have relationships with your family members, your neighbors, people in school, colleagues at work - even vendors in the market place. To improve communication in relationships, it is necessary to:

1) Be open to the prospect of improving communication in relationships.

2) Be aware that it is necessary for more than one party to change so that communication can be opened and enhanced.

3) Be open to changing your attitudes and way of speaking or writing, if necessary.

4) Be open to adjusting to the other party's point of view, when that other person is proven to be correct.

There are people who find it hard to do all these. Such people may need the help of a counselor or psychologist to uncover and thresh out any possible problems hindering them from accepting these steps for change.

Improving communication in relationships may necessitate:

1) Fostering an environment in which all parties may feel encouraged to express their opinions without fear of being attacked, criticized, or made fun of.

2) Acknowledging that other people have a right to have feelings and opinions, just as you do.

3) Acknowledging that you may have problems with communicating in relationships, and that the problems exist not just with the other person.

4) Holding back from blaming the other party for all problems that crop up when communicating.

5) Acknowledge that you only have control over changing yourself, not the other person.

6) Going slow at relaying emotionally-sensitive information.

7) Opting to write down any perceived problems before sitting down with all other parties to discuss these problems.

Miscommunication is a pretty common result of a breakdown in communication in relationships. When does miscommunication become prevalent?

1) When one or both parties believe that their point of view is the only correct one.

2) When the individual belief systems of all parties concerned tend to clash because of inherent differences.

3) When one party prefers to keep his thoughts to himself, leaving the other party jumping to conclusions.

4) When one or both parties rush into message delivery without thinking that the message imparted may hurt the receiver of their message.

5) When one or both parties opt to use negatively-worded statements when addressing the other person.

So how does one improve communication in relationships? Communication can improve if one takes the following advice to heart:

1) Learn to see things from the point of view of another person.

2) Use words which have a more positive slant to them so that the other person will not react negatively.

3) When possible, try to encourage and motivate the other party to improve - particularly if the other party is a subordinate.

4) Do not react in the heat of anger.

5) Think carefully about what words to use before you speak them.

Communication with another person can be affected by our powers of persuasion. How does one manage to persuade another person to accept his point of view? Here are some ways:

1) Restructure your message according to the point of view of the other person.

2) Maintain a friendly environment in which you and the other person will communicate.

3) Supply proof to back up your own statements.

4) Think if you are in a position to supply what the other person wants. If you are, then perhaps you should attempt to meet such desires, needs or expectations. Certainly a person whose wants have been satisfied will be in a more accommodating state of mind, meaning most likely he will try to acknowledge in return what you need.

Author's Bio: 

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available only at: http://www.howtotalkwithconfidence.com/blog