"The greatest book of study is that of your own, written by the soul upon time and space - that of your dreams."
~ From the book Season of Changes, Ways of Response
Using your dreams for healing and soulful direction is a process in patience and self-love that is well worth the time and effort. In order to learn dream interpretation and utilize your dreams as your own private psychotherapist (and why not? Mastering dream interpretation can save you a lot in therapy bills!), you must be willing to be patience and embrace your dreams as you would a beloved child or pet.
Dream interpretation and analysis is a feminine practice in that it requires quiet time, nurturing and the willingness to delve more deeply into your soul. Furthermore, dreams are highly personal. What a dream interpretation symbol means to me may have a very different meaning for you. For example, I have a black Pomeranian dog named, "Guru" whom I dearly love. Whenever Guru appears in my dreams, I know my dream guide is revealing to me something that involves the vulnerable, innocent and childlike aspect of me.
Your Dream Interpretation of a Dog
Guru has appeared most often when I've been working through past issues and healing my inner child. However, your dream interpretation of a dog (even a pet dog) may mean something entirely different. If you prefer felines to canines, or have had negative encounters with dogs, your dream interpretation will be quite different. A dog appearing in your dream may be uncomfortable for you or even arouse fear. It all depends on the perception you have about a specific dream symbol. So beware of solely using dream interpretation dictionaries or books as the key to unlocking the meaning of your dream.
A woman I once counseled shared a dream in which a cluster of bugs had burrowed their way inside her leg. As we talked through her dream we discussed how "bugs" are also called "insects." By changing the symbol's name to insects and paying attention to the feelings she was experiencing, we were able to see that the dream was not about insects, but something much different and deeper. It turns out the dream was about incest.
This dream interpretation and awareness resonated with my client. Like an intricate puzzle that had never quite come together, all of the pieces began to fit and make sense to her. This woman had unconsciously been sensing or recalling that she had been molested when she was very young but she had not been able to remember specific details until her dream helped her along. In a typical dream interpretation book, insects or bugs represent "small annoyances and irritations." Certainly something was "bugging" this woman, but in this case, it was anything but small. A long and honest discussion regarding what her dream - coupled with several previous dreams - guided her to recognize the core issue and the dream interpretation. With her newfound insight and understanding, she was able to direct her energies toward healing the sexual abuse and begin the long yet rewarding journey of recovery.
Some Key Starter Questions in Learning Dream Interpretation
Ask yourself. . .
1. What am I currently dealing with, or being affected by, that my dream may be trying to show me? Dreams tend to reflect your life and its current situation. Thus the thoughts and feelings you had the previous day is key.
2. What do I need to grasp from my dreams so I can take the next step in my personal healing and spiritual growth? Dreams occur to help you in every area of your life, even those areas that you have built a defense around and do not want to see. (For example: addictions, self-destructive behaviors, unresolved relationships and childhood issues, an unfulfilling career, etc.)
Because of their honesty, dreams are both powerful and healing. They are a priceless means for connecting with our soul. Through dream interpretation and dream work, we are able to cultivate a deeper, more soulful and yes, loving relationship with our true self and connect more authentically with others. What better gift could you offer your self?
Copyright © 2003 Laura V. Hyde. All rights reserved. If you are interested in publishing this article, please email contact@selfhealingexpressions.com.
Laura V. Hyde is the creator and instructor for the Self-Healing Expressions course Dreams for Healing: Using Dreams as a Pathway to the Soul at www.SelfHealingExpressions.com.
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