Habits don't lie. I wish they would at times, but they do not.

My patterns of life reveal *in practice* the choices I make
each and every day I remain on the earth.

And those choices depict *in reality* what I hold dear,
cherish, fear or what I may be passionate about at the time.

The ...Habits don't lie. I wish they would at times, but they do not.

My patterns of life reveal *in practice* the choices I make
each and every day I remain on the earth.

And those choices depict *in reality* what I hold dear,
cherish, fear or what I may be passionate about at the time.

The simple exercise below may give you several ideas on your
path to personal growth: the personal growth ideas that seem
most important to you at this stage of your life journey.

The questions and responses should help you to sort out...

What you are doing,
What you would like to do,
And your best choices in the immediate future.

May you be blessed and encouraged in the process!

The Path To Personal Growth
© Lee Wise All rights reserved

The discipline of listening to your heart,
paying close attention to the patterns of your life,
accepting truthfully what you see,
looking forward to what you would like to see,
and making a solid commitment to change
both what you must and what you will.


As I listen to my heart today, is there anything I should
pay attention to or record?




Looking back at my year, do I see anything I should -- or
must -- stop, start or improve upon?




Reviewing my answers to these two questions, what
commitments am I willing to make in order to become the
person I desire to become in the following week, month, or
90 days?




The time frame I have chosen to work within in order to
change the way I desire to change is...? (Select your

___ One Week
___ Two Weeks
___ One Month
___ 90 Days
___ Something else

The date I will begin is:

Month Day


© Lee Wise All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this inspirational note.
The copyright and this resource box must be included.

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Author's Bio: 

Being involved as the Director of Internships where I assist
in the training of pastoral interns is a joy of mine that
began in 1987.

I'm totally committed to my family and the preservation of
the family unit. Honestly, I live as blessed man with a
beautiful wife and family.

Putting it mildly, I enjoy writing.

My joy revolves around assisting people in art of living and
living well. A sincere "Thank you!" for what I shared with
a person by way of something said or written: comments
such as those energize my life.

May you and those you love have a wonderful day,
