Great multitudes gathered around Jesus to hear his words. Jesus went into a ship and the multitude of people interested in his words stood on the shore. Jesus spoke many things to them in parables.

His disciples asked him why you speak to the multitude of people in parables. Jesus answered and said because it given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. Jesus said these people saw, but did not really see, and heard, but really did not hear and they did not understand. This was to fulfill the prophecy of E-sai’as.

Jesus said this particular group of people had hearts waxed gross, ears dull of hearing and eyes they have closed. If at any time they would see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, they would be converted and Jesus could heal them.

I have seen this same type of people. I see, hear and know things it seems that others just can’t grasp hold of, and I feel within my heart, if only they could see things as I do, and hear as I hear, they would understand what I am trying to tell them about Jesus and spirituality and they too would become converted as I have. I feel like there has and will always be people just as those Jesus was speaking to when these passages of scripture was written. I also think the cause for this could be just simply that everyone has a “free” will to hear, see and understand what they choose. We have to “choose” and be “open” to the book of instruction as we read it and also choose to be open to whatever Jesus and the Holy Ghost tells us or shows us. Not everyone is capable of doing this. Not everyone is “desirous” of doing this.

Jesus goes on with more parables and the parable of the sower, which says when any one hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, this gives space for the devil to come along and catch away what was sown in the heart. Jesus describes this person as a person who receives seed by the way side. It could be just for a moment that person hears about the kingdom of heaven, just long enough to hear it, but they don’t understand what they heard, so before they can find understanding, the devil comes along and steals what they just heard. That person most likely just keeps on walking.

Then there are people who receive seed and hear words about the kingdom of heaven in stony places. They are joyous about what they hear, but fail to take root, or they fail to act upon what they heard for the long term because persecutions arose against them because of the word, and they were offended. This type of person is described as enduring for awhile, but then falling by the wayside.

The parable of the sower next explains people who receive seed among the thorns. These are people, who hear the word, but the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and these people fail to become fruitful. They are just too busy with all else in this world to really concentrate upon being a prisoner for the Lord. If they have plenty of money, there is always plenty of ways to spend it that keeps a person’s mind off Christ. To serve Christ takes times being alone with Christ.

Then there is the man who receives seed on good ground. He hears the word and understands it. He then bears fruit and brings forth sometimes sixty, sometimes thirty. Some will be called into the ministry. Some may cast out devils. Others will receive the gifts of healing. Some will simply sit on the seat or simply keep the commandments, but for those who understand more of the word, deeper levels of spirituality is possible.

The Holy Ghost taught me the different levels can be compared to a child in school. There will be children who will be able to understand everything the teacher teaches them and come out of class with 100%. Then there will be children who will grasp hold of 80% of what is taught in their class, and so forth. Children learn at a different pace and they all have different aptitude as to how much they will retain and how well they will do at test time. All who receive a passing grade will go on to the next level. As we learn about holiness, and practice the rules of holiness, we achieve the different levels which are described in biblical terms of a thirty fold Christian or a sixty fold Christian.

I am unsure of my exact grade, but I do know it is at least “average,” or slightly above average in some areas. I have not been used to cast out devils, but I have experienced some discernment in this area. I have been used to foretell the future and have been shown inside the hearts of some, and just recently, I received this new assignment as a “teacher.”

I have also been used in the interpretation of tongues. I was the leading speaker or prophetess in one tribe of people, who treated me much like Jesus was treated and much like the old prophets were treated. People don’t like to hear their faults revealed. They like to hear “smooth” sayings, and I was not a prophetess to bring only “smooth” sayings. Very few times was I sent with acceptable words to these people, and therefore, I became one they rather not have in their congregation. I had to stay, of course, until my spiritual assignment was complete.

I did not leave just because of their persecutions against me. I left when Jesus said, “well done, my good and faithful servant, you may rest now from these.” And a rest I have surely had.

I am sent back to these from time to time, but not often. The country of Israel was lead one time by a woman prophetess by the name of Deborah. Women in spiritual works are often looked upon much like in the work world and business world. I sat next to men of who had to submit to me when the Holy Ghost moved on me, and they didn’t like that very well. The Holy Ghost knows no gender. It moves upon whichever man or woman is worthy. This is something that particular tribe of people could not accept. Remember how Little David was chosen out of all others?

The Holy Ghost will always teach us in a way that we can understand in our particular environment and in our particular time in history and only if we have received seed on the good ground. Otherwise, the words of Jesus and the Holy Ghost will sound like riddles and parables.

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