Inspiration can come from many sources, such as being moved while watching a theatrical performance or when reading an adventure book. Perhaps you have been lucky and have experienced a birth. How about a sunset?

These moments of awareness are powerful motivators. They boost our spirit and expand our view of certain joys we don’t have the chance to appreciate every day. They make you want to shout for more and they also rejuvenate the child within. They have inspired new dreams and goals, and made possible other options in life.

Are you one who finds it hard to be inspired? Here are a few tips to let in the "magic moment":

Open your mind. Be conscious.

Kids have the ability to be aware of their environment. Everything is new to their eye. Openness is the key word, to see anew as if for the very first time. Food for inspiration is all around us, sometimes in small doses, and sometimes in amounts that are overwhelming. Let inspiration in. Let go of previous judgments, experiences, and values. Absorb the new spark of “sensation.”

Go behold your boundaries

Are you used to your little routine? You may want to think about it. Push your boundaries. You don’t have to go to bed early every night? Do you? Why not experience a sunset tonight? Take a new route to work. Look around at the new development, wander through parks, or explore a new area. Really look at your surroundings for the first time.

Open your door

Go and find inspiration. Take a new class. Find a new activity. Engage in conversation with people you don’t know such as those at the grocery store. Go for a hike. Sit still in your backyard. When is the last time you went to a museum, or a rock concert? Have you ever tried to draw, write poems?

Keep it coming

Create a habit of opening your eyes for new things. The life force will bring you new resources to feed on every time you give it a chance. Spread the light. You might be able to inspire someone else too. Constantly being aware of sources of inspiration will feed your soul.

"Today a new sunrise rises for me: everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion everything invites me to cherish it." –Anne de Lenclos.

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Author's Bio: 

Lynne Dean created Motivational Central (, an online information service for seekers of general self improvement, in January 2005.

Being a simple government part time worker and mother to a lovely son, she welcomes the challenged to communicate and built a web site where positive vibes and motivation tips would be share to the world. A hobby it is, but what a fun and interesting thing to do!