Do you want to reach your maximum potential? You can do this by doing things that will help you manage your life successfully.

When you do something, do not attempt to achieve any result that is less than perfect. Put your best effort into everything you do. If you cannot excel at what you do, ask for help and do everything else you can to learn how to do your task better.

Do not limit yourself. When you must do something that is legal and moral, do not say, “I can’t do it.” You set yourself up for failure when you are convinced you cannot succeed.

Develop your social skills. How far you will go in life often depends on how well you work with others; therefore, you must become good at getting along with others. Never be rude to anyone. Get into the habit of sharing and working positively with others. Accommodate others sometimes.

Learn to use good manners. When you want others to give you something or do something for you, ask politely. For example, it is best to say, “Will you please do this?” After others have helped you, please say, “Thank you.” If you want to acknowledge someone’s gratitude, you could say, “You’re welcome.” Cover your mouth when you are about to yawn or belch. If you suddenly belch or someone is in your way, please say, “Excuse me.”

Always dress accordingly. If you are on your own time or you are going to a place where the atmosphere is casual, you may dress casually. Dress more conservatively when going to work. Unless you work on a job which requires plenty of physical labor, it is best to at least wear a collared shirt, nice slacks and dress shoes to be taken seriously, be perceived as professional and increase your chances for a promotion.

Avoid procrastination. If you are a student, begin working on homework and term papers as soon as possible. If you must complete important tasks by an established guideline at work, work on those tasks before you do other things. If chatting with someone will prevent you from meeting the deadline, refrain from having a lengthy conversation until you finish what is necessary.

Always practice good hygiene. Floss, brush your teeth and brush your tongue every day. Replace your toothbrush every three months. Keep your teeth and gums healthy. Avoid eating things such as onions and pickles if you are about to be with others some place away from home. Always put deodorant on your underarms and feet after bathing. Never go more than two days without washing the area beneath your waist and putting on fresh underwear.

Use good judgment regarding grammar. Focus on speaking and writing properly in a professional atmosphere. If you talk with a hiring manager or prospective client in person or distantly, do not talk or write like you were raised on the streets. Submit resumes, job applications and other professional forms with good grammar and punctuation.

Develop a habit of using good preparation. If you have an important event such as a job interview coming the next day, put everything you must take such as your resume and social security card in your briefcase while you are thinking about it. If you are about to give or request information on a stationary telephone, take writing materials with you before making a call. Before you start doing something that requires particular supplies and equipment, place everything you need into your vicinity.

Do not let yourself be seen as a slacker at work. If you finish your assigned tasks early, do something else you can think of. If you cannot think of anything to do, ask your supervisor.

Put yourself in a position to find a great career. If you are struggling at school or planning to attend a college or vocational school, buy or check out a good study guide. If you are good with your hands, please attend a vocational school that will train you to be something such as a plumber or electrician so you will get the hands-on experience that should always be in demand.

If you are a college student, take a good internship to gain real job experience. If you want to work in the computer field, look for good materials that will help you improve your computer and typing skills if they are currently poor.

Adhere to these guidelines to manage your life well and get ahead!

Author's Bio: 

Todd Hicks owns Skill Development Institute, an enterprise that provides a keyboard typing lesson and academic study guide. To become a great typist or student, visit Skill Development Institute.