For many years as a sport scientist, personal trainer and performance coach, I have been working with clients who come to me for advice about how they can improve the performance and quality of their bodies; some want help to lose weight and tone up, others need to reduce their blood pressure and the effects of stress, some want to put on muscle and everyone wants to look and feel better. But, invariably I have found that it is never my client’s physical bodies that require improvement in the first instance.

Effectively, the body is a barometer for life; if something isn’t going well in a certain area of life, it manifests through the body.

The evidence that this is true was only too apparent to me when working with my clients. I found that when they did address the underlying cause of their dissatisfaction (that is, their dis-EASE), their physical bodies responded with a lot less effort and they began to see amazing results in all areas of their lives.

Ultimately what I found was that my clients had a perceived gap between who they were and who they wanted to be and this gap manifested itself as some form of dis-EASE in their physical body.

Did you know that your life is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours?

Therefore in order to create your ideal life (or a life of EASE) think only the thoughts, feel only the feelings, believe only the beliefs and behave only the behaviours that will create the life that you want.

To achieve a life of EASE follow the Five Steps to EASE Creation

Step 1) Activate Your Being

Activating your ‘Being’ is about you designing the person you want to become and then being this person now.
Activate your ‘Being’ by answering the following 3 questions:
1) Who are you?
2) Who do you want to be?
3) What is your life purpose?

Step 2) Activate Your Thoughts

Thoughts are the root cause of your reality; therefore you must begin to master them in a positive sense in order to manifest a life of EASE.
You contain within you everything that you will ever require to achieve all of your goals and dreams but before this happens you must first know exactly what it is you are looking to achieve and then begin to focus your thoughts upon it.

If you were living a life of EASE what would it look like?

Step 3) Activate Your Feelings

Perhaps the most important aspect of manifesting your life of EASE is to focus your attention on the feelings that achieving this ideal life will give you.
An excellent way to maintain these feelings is to find some pictures or images of your goals and create a collage with them, place it on your wall and view it at least twice daily.

What does your life of EASE feel like?

Step 4) Activate Your Beliefs

Beliefs are thoughts repeated constantly. Therefore the best way to believe your life of EASE is possible is to associate with the people and the things that you want to be like. Put simply, you must read books, attend seminars, associate with the people and places that you are aspiring to become.

Step 5) Activate Your Behaviours

Creating an action plan and then implementing it is the final step in creating your life of EASE. It is the Doing part of the EASE process.

A successful action plan contains the daily behaviours, obstacles, solutions, support, and rewards that are necessary to achieve your goals.

What behaviours do you need to perform to achieve your goals?

What obstacles, solutions, support and rewards do you need to achieve your goals?

Congratulations!! You have now done everything in your power to set the wheels in motion towards achieving your life of EASE.

*Special Offer*

To further support your life of EASE Activate Your Life would like to offer you the Activate Your Life E-Book at the very special price of only $37

Plus, $133.50 worth of amazing free bonuses! Including;
- 50% off a Life Coaching Session,
- The Activate Your Life Relaxation Meditation Audio
- The Activate Your Life Quick Start Guide to EASE E-book and;
- The Healthy and Effective Weight Loss Special Report E-book

Log onto for details.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew McCombe is the owner and Managing Director of Activate Your Life, an Australian based preventative health and lifestyle management company. Andrew is the author of the book Activate Your Life and the monthly Activate Your Life monthly EASE-ine.

Activate Your Life operates private health clubs, corporate wellness programs, including the Activate Your Life 90 Day Program and has an interactive health based website,

Phone: 61 (02) 9977 3362