After a full day, you fall into bed exhausted. You realize that another day has passed without making time to write. You vow to do it tomorrow. Yet the next day continues much like the one before and do not make time to write.

As a coach, I work with writers who claim lack of time as their number one excuse. This is often a mask for fears. Writing can be difficult. We put it off to do easier things, things we know how to do.

Writing challenges us to dive into ourselves and emerge with something tangible. This can leave us vulnerable to our fears that we are not good enough, not talented enough, don’t have anything to say and are likely to be rejected.

There are ways around this common phenomenon. Look at the following five methods to help you make time to write.

1. Jot down some of your fears about writing. Assess how true they are. Often when we expose our fears on paper, they lose their power over us. Notice when you are resisting because of fear and when you truthfully do not have time to write.

2. Many creative types struggle with time management. We may have enough time but do not use it in a way that honors our priorities. What are your priorities? If you are not showing up for your writing, maybe it isn’t that important. What else is going on in your life that is more compelling than writing? Take a moment now to write down where you spend your time.

Once you have a clear picture of where your time goes, how do you feel about it? Work and other obligations seem more fixed and they may be for now. Your roles become more powerful than you are when you believe you have no choice in the matter. What one thing could you change this week to make more space for writing?

3. Often we get stuck in one way of thinking, and that becomes our reality. Play with different perspectives. With a perspective shift, you may realize that your writing has a place, too. In your mind it has been important, but you haven’t taken the step to make space for it.

Without space, your writing becomes a burden on your back, something you want to do but can’t. You become a victim of your life, secretly resenting those who get to do what they want. What would life be like if your passions had a place in your schedule? What difference would it make to your loved ones if you staked a claim for your writing?

4. Reframe the way you think about the act of writing. Writing is work, but if you think of it as drudgery, you miss out on the rejuvenating aspects of the practice. After you write, jot down three words that describe how you feel. Use these words as a lure to get you to the page when you feel tired or uninspired.

5. Vagueness can work against you. If you have the intention to sit down and write, but don’t have something specific to work on, it can be easy to shrug off your writing time. Pick a specific starting point and let that pull you into the flow. It helps to have a list of subjects that you want to write about ready.

Give yourself the space and time to use these methods to make a difference in your life. Be honest about what holds you back. Then make the effort to dip into your writing when and where you can. Commit to yourself as a writer, get clear about your projects, and let it happen. Enjoy the process!

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia Morris is the author of “Create Your Writer’s Life: A Guide to Writing with Joy and Ease”. She coaches writers of all levels to help them achieve their writing dreams. Visit her web site at to sign up for her free newsletters.