Since the birth of the modern personal development/self help movement, there is one principle that has been consistently taught that determines your level of success in life. As the late, great James Allen quoted the ancient and wise king, ‘As a man thinks, so is he’.

What you think about most determines who you are, where you are and where you are going in your life. Thoughts are constructed of words, phrases and sentences. Words, phrases and sentences are constructed from language. These are building blocks of what the world is made of.

The ancient text says that, in the beginning, certain things were spoken and then came into reality. ‘God said’, and ‘it was’. Our words create good, bad, success and failure. Words are powerful. Words create. They start wars and they convey the feelings of love. They make and build friendships and they destroy long term relations.

Affirmations are simply positive statements made about oneself or a specific situation which effect the person or event in a positive ways. No one consciously and decisively makes ‘negative affirmations’. There is no use in such. Positive statements about oneself or events are used as a powerful tool.

Most of us remember as a child, the story of the ‘little engine that could’. The arduous, daunting task of climbing the hill that the little steam engine had to climb, was accomplished with the little engine saying the words ‘I think I can’ repeated over and over.

The famous industrialist, Henry Ford said, ‘If a person thinks that they can do a thing, or not, they are right’. If you think you can achieve great feats, then you can. If you think that you can’t, then you won’t (note: you still ‘can’ do it; but with the negative thinking, you won’t do it).

Affirmations are powerful tools to motivate and inspire you to accomplish whatever you set a goal to do. They are your own ‘cheering’ section inside of your head and through the words of your mouth. They can cheer you on not matter what obstacles or impossibilities you may face.

Affirmations are most effective when used in tandem with pre-set goals and consistency of application. Affirmations allow one to focus on a given outcome on a daily basis, thus making the person using the affirmation, aware of opportunities to see the desired outcome. Have you ever bought a new car and suddenly saw so many of them on the road which you had never noticed before? It is a very logical and simple case of becoming aware of those other cars. This is one aspect of what makes affirmations so effective. You become aware of opportunities to fulfill what you affirming because you are focused on the outcome of the affirmation.

Most personal development experts would agree that affirmations are worthless without action. Obviously, nothing happens without action. Affirmations are useful because they can motivate the individual to pursue and seek out whatever is needed to reach the desired goal of the affirmation. While some would say, ‘think and grow rich’, others would argue that ‘action is the only thing that brings results’. Both view points are correct. Action cannot be taken without awareness and forethought.

In this regard, affirmations are literally more useful for ‘discovery’ rather than ‘creation’.

So, lets look now at how affirmations can be most powerful and effective in giving you the results that you intend.

We ‘find’ what we consistently ‘seek’. It is the nature of our being and the nature of our world. Likewise, we attract into our lives whatever we consistently think about and focus on. The ‘law’ of attraction simply says that if one seeks a certain thing long enough, it will show up in your life.

A law student goes to law school and exclusively focuses on law in order to become an attorney. A medical student goes to medical school, thinks about, experiments with and total dedicates his/her mental facilities on understanding medicine and its uses. Thus, they become and expert in medicine, a medical doctor. An athlete does the same. He/she focuses on their preferred sport and becomes the very best at it. An investor or businessperson, focuses on means and ways to affect profits. They saturate their minds with business exchanges in order to become skilled at making money.

How can a person affect their life towards living it successfully and powerfully? It is really simple. They focus on the outcome of whatever they desire and then take actions to bring it about.

Affirmations get you focused on your desired outcome. However, affirmations must follow certain rules to have the greatest effect upon a person’s mind and ultimately, their life experience. This is where I discovered the amazing elements that make up what I’ve called, ‘Powerfirmations’.

Powerfirmations have been called by success experts, ‘affirmations on steroids’. One author and expert on the ‘law of attraction’ said, ‘Powerfirmations are affirmations accelerated to WARP SPEED.’ The intent of ‘Powerfirmations’ is to not only saturate the subconscious mind with the focus of the desired outcome, but to literally ‘marinate’ it. To accomplish this, ‘Powerfirmations’ adhere to the follow rules.

1. Positive Perspective – ‘Powerfirmations’ are completely positive. They omit any negative reference at all. Example – ‘don’t see the pink elephant’ syndrome. You have to ‘see’ the pink elephant in order to make the decision ‘not to see the pink elephant. The power of the mind to create the picture of the pink elephant is far more powerful than the mind’s ability to process the intangible word, ‘not’. If a person makes and affirmation regarding losing weight, it is not productive to affirm, ‘I am not fat.’ You have to see yourself as being fat in order to even attempt to see yourself as ‘not fat’. Powerfirmations make a positive statement such as, ‘I see myself at the perfect weight for my height and build.’
2. Personal Perspective – the most powerful affirmations are made from the first person singular perspective of ‘I am’. However, our self-concept and self-image are based on the second person and the third person singular perspective as well. Have you ever said to yourself, ‘You need to get up and go to the grocery store, wash the car, change the oil in the car, go to work, go to your appointment?’ Do you ever address yourself, in your own mind, by name? If I sense the urgency of needing to get up and take some kind of action, I might say, ‘Michael, you need to get yourself up and get going’. When you’ve done this, you’ve addressed yourself from the second person singular perspective. The third person singular perspective, really involves how we see ourself. Likewise, it involves how we perceive that others see us. I make the ‘Powerfirmation’, ‘Michael Murphy is a awesome man’. In doing so, I am seeing myself from the third person perspective. We have all three perspectives of ourselves. Thus, Powerfirmations include all three.
3. Modal Perspective – this perspective involves which of the three senses of sight, hearing and feeling that we prefer in our way of experiencing the world. If you have studied the findings of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) you know that each of us have a prefferred perspective of how we experience the world. I was sitting with a guy who was an awesome guitar player one evening at dinner. I was describing something to him. Being a highly visual person, I asked him, ‘Do you ‘see’ what I’m saying?’ He answered, ‘No, but I hear what you’re saying.’ In the study of NLP, it reveals that we have a dominant sensory perception of the way we experience the world. Powerfirmations includes wording that comprehensively includes all three modal perspectives, thus, make the Powerfirmation far more effective and a greater ‘whole brain’ exercise.
4. ‘Now’ Perspective – All Powerfirmations are constructed to state the desired out come ‘as if’ it is already in the person’s possession or life now. Beyond ‘fake it until you make it’, it trains the subconscious mind to accept whatever it is wanting to create as literal fact, now. The subconscious mind has no interpretation of time. It also does makes no determination what is visualized in the mind’s eye versus what is visualized with the physical eye. So accepts whatever it is fed through the conscious mind, as fact, now.
5. Comprehensive Perspective – Powerfirmations are comprehensive in construction. They don’t intend for partial success in whatever they are directed towards. They are intended for complete success. Not only are they comprehensive, but Powerfirmations also leave room for exceeded the desired outcome. A friend of mine told me that he felt he was in love with a lady who he knew but had never dated. He was very close to her but never been romantically involved. He asked me if he should create an affirmation that she was his wife. I encouraged him to make the affirmation that he should always tag his affirmation (or even his prayer) with her or someone better suited for him. He did it and ended up marrying some one else with whom he felt was even more what he had dreamed of in a partner.

Powerfirmations set no limits on the outcome of their targeted desire.

6. In the recorded versions of Powerfirmations, the background sounds consist of binaural music. Beyond the ‘Mozart for the Mind’ effect, binaural music establishes brain waves the puts the listener in a relaxed meditative state.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Murphy is personal empowerment author, speaker and Internet marketing guru. He is the owner of which hosts a free ezine called 'E-Couragers' which supplies personalized affirmations to over 100,000 optin subscribers in 32 nations