On looking for a Natural Arthritis cure I came across some weird and wonderful concoctions, and it does make me wonder how people come up with them in the first place. But I guess that if someone is desperate enough they will try anything, and perhaps that’s where the mind over matter basis comes in.

I’m sure at this point everyone knows what Arthritis is, and that they must know that the sufferer will have very painful joints, which become inflamed and extremely painful. These symptoms tend to baffle the Doctors who realistically have no known cure. All they can do is take blood tests, and recommend the taking of pain killers.

There are many modern ailments and some I might say not so modern that have bought the individual patient to tears from the way they have to suffer. Things like Cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, High Blood pressure, Asthma, eczema, psoriasis, and many more ailments can be added to that list.

But thanks to a Medical research team headed by a Doctor Robert O Young from the United States began to see a pattern on why these diseases were happening. Now before I go any further I should explain that Dr Young is a Micro Biologist, and a Nutritionist, and it was through his team’s work that they realised that the good cells in the blood were being killed off by the onset of too much acid in the body due to the food we eat.
This acid content of our diets was killing off the good cells that normally would be the body’s normal defence system. I think we all know that the body has the ability to heal itself given the right circumstances, and that by drastically altering our diet you can kick start the body’s defence system to start working properly again.

A classic example of this would be from people that suffer with gout, and how that an over abundance of Uric acid can get into the blood, and crystallises in the joints which gives the patient the symptoms of Gout. Get rid of the acid and you feel 100% better again. For anyone who as ever suffered with Gout they will no just how painful it can be.

To sum up if the patient were to have an alkaline diet there would be no bad cells because there would be enough good cells produced to fight and kill the bad ones. The body would then in turn give you natural pain relief.

Perhaps I should explain at this point what an alkaline diet is? It's a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables with the odd exception. Meat is very acidic, while something like a melon is very alkaline. The only thing that patients must watch is that the level of vitamins is kept at the right level. This is where it is always advisable to talk things through with your Doctor, and make sure that you also have a Nutritionist to advise you what to eat.

Please note that I am not a Doctor, or any way allied to the Medical profession, and I would always advise you to talk things through with your Doctor. I am not qualified to give you medical advice, and the only thing I am doing is passing information on that I have read about. If you type in Rheumatoid Arthritis into a search engine on the Internet you will be able to find the same results that I am telling you about. (Most of these reports are produced by Doctors) If you are suffering badly you might not want to talk things over with your Doctor, but again that would be your choice. Some Doctors might not be very happy about this type of treatment, and quite possibly they will try to talk you out of it.

Author's Bio: 

Ivan Hince writes articles on Medical and Alternative Medical Cures. To view other articles please go to the following website.