Stress relief is easily within your grasp. What if you could access a way to energize, find balance, joyful calm and stress management on a regular basis in your daily life?

The art of practicing meditation or yoga can be a great technique to release stress. Unfortunately, we can not meditate or practice yoga 24 hours a day. Finding a sense of physical and energetic balance can be difficult when we are surrounded by things that can cause stress and put us out of balance on a regular basis. There is the stress of a modern day fast-paced lifestyle. Add to that the emotional-mental stress from work and personal relationships, These can have a dramatic effect on our natural balanced state and our ability to achieve effective stress relief.

Now there is an easy stress solution available in the form of an inexpensive product recently developed and tested at a holistic medical clinic: the Sunphire™, It is endorsed by doctors, yoga teachers and reiki masters. It represents the new frontier of interactive holistic jewelry. Now you can energize, find balance and joyful calm. The Sunphire uses natural energies to dynamically support a balanced mind-body state and bring you stress relief. Clinically proven and made for everyday wear, it provides beneficial stress management to all lifestyles.

Here are some additional helpful suggestions for stress relief:

Remember to pause and take deep slow breaths when you feel stressed.
Drink plenty of water.
Avoid doing things in excess.
Maintain a healthy and nutritious diet, and try to minimize caffeine intake.
Take a break from your daily or weekly routines and do something completely different.
Spend some time alone every day.
Get out in nature whenever time permits.
Take advantage of holistic modalities such as chiropractic, massage and reiki.
Try not to take things personally, no one is perfect.
Exercise regularly.
Practice meditation or yoga 4-5 times a week.

Statements made herein are provided for informational purposes and should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure a health condition, or to replace the care of a qualified medical professional.

Author's Bio: 

Daniel Noyes, M.S. is the creator of Living OM™ holistic jewelry. He has been recognized by Marquis' Who's Who in Science and Engineering. Learn more about the Sunphire™ products at