Once upon a time, on the morning of the last day of the 3-day, Personal Growth – Brand Authenticity workshop, SHE was one among many to come in the early morning to sit at the feet of the Princess of Brand Authenticity (also a guru in the mind of her subjects), before the official program began. She had come early because the brand she took on yesterday, with enthusiasm, but without wholeheartedness, was not “IT.”

While SHE didn’t know what “IT” was, she did know a lot about what a brand is. She knew that it was more than a logo, or a tag line. She knew that her brand was really about her soul’s purpose, expressed through her business. She knew that it was about the business of the heart and being fully alive. And she knew that is was about authenticity, which had been an aspect of her mission as she knew it since the mid-90’s.

It was 8:15 when SHE arrived; the official start was 9:00. Someone was already working with the Princess and there were plenty more in waiting. Her roommate, Linda was next to have a go with the guru and experienced her POP, meaning she got “IT.” She connected with her brand and all that meant. She watched Linda settle into alignment. By the way, Linda’s brand wasn’t the one she had just spent a few thousand dollars creating on her web site and promo materials. But getting “IT” was more important than the money she had just spent.

Someone else immediately jumped in without a pause while HER hand was just lifting from her lap. SHE looked at her watch from the edge of her seat. The issue for her was that she usually paused in between things, wanting to have the right ideas and words prepared, fearing what others would think if she didn’t have it all together. At that moment, she had a flashback to a time when she had just jumped in – her enthusiasm was so on fire that she flung her hand in the air without forethought. She was called on by the prominent speaker, but her mind went blank and the words froze in her throat. She was silent, not to mention she felt totally humiliated.

That experience created an interesting alchemy, for the worst. She made the decision in this first year of her life as a professional that she would never put herself in a situation to be humiliated again. While she had been respected and done some really good things in her professional life, that decision was a major ingredient in a formula that had kept her playing small. “Okay, I’m about transformation,” she thought. “That was then, and this is now. Time to let this one go.”

Besides that, time was running short. It was the last day and she was spending a lot of money to be here. But at this moment, money, which had been one of the core dramas in her life, was not the issue. The issue for her was both her “voice” and her core raison d’etre – no small things.

With five minutes left, she took a deep breath and jumped in, raising her hand boldly. “Yesterday,” she said to the Princess Guru, “I said my brand was Being Brilliant, which is a great brand. But that’s not ‘IT.’”

“I know,” said the Princess Guru, looking at her with great love.

SHE began to talk to the Princess and the rest of the she’s and he’s in the room about her vision. She knew she was speaking clearly and with more intention. She was putting more of herself forth. She could feel the silence in the room – she knew she had everyone’s complete attention. Something really important was happening here. She knew she was being seen and heard at a profound level. She knew that what she was doing here was having a significant impact on the room, but “But what is ‘IT?’” she asked. “I don’t know what it is.”

“You do.” the scribe said. “I’ve written it down twice. You’ve already said it.”

“What did I say?” SHE asked. At key times during high school, and later on in her life as a professional, she had often spoken in and in front of plenty of groups, making a significant impact and hearing about it from others. More often than not, she didn’t remember what she had said.

The scribe replied, “You said you help people step into their greatness.”

SHE knew this was true. This was “IT” essentially, but she also knew there was another part to this. She knew that she had to first step into her own greatness.

The Queen of Bodacious Breakthroughs stood up in the back of the group, which by now was most of the 50+ participants. Yes, there was a Queen at the retreat who had actually claimed being Queen – of Bodacious Breakthroughs - just the day before.

The Queen stood up, all 73 bodacious inches of her, and said, “I have a domain that is ‘Stepping into Your Greatness’. It’s yours if you want it.”

SHE turned around to face the Queen, and said in her most gracious and humble Southern way, “How can I turn down a gift like that?”

“NO,” said the Queen. “If you want it, you have to take it.”

SHE knew what the Queen meant. She stood up, faced her front on, and then stepped forward toward the Queen in her own most natural and bold regality, “I want it!” she proclaimed and stood firmly. In those moments she had energetically, fully stepped into her own greatness.

The energy was electric in the room.

“Before you take it,” the Queen said, “You have to tell the Princess.”

SHE turned around, faced the Princess, and said, “Step into Your Greatness.” The room burst into applause.

SHE had stepped through a door through which she knew she would never return – the journey backwards would not be safe. The journey forward from here was yet to be determined.

One thing she did know, as she reflected on her experience later that day, was that she had spoken, stood, and stepped forward for everyone in the room. And in the bigger picture, that’s a part of what greatness is all about - the story continues.

Questions to explore:

1. What are the decisions and other ingredients of a formula that has kept you playing small?

2. What is the “IT” in your life that simply hasn’t fallen into place, and is calling you to do something different?

3. What does greatness mean to you?

4. When have you stepped into your greatness?

5. Are you ready to step into your greatness - where playing small is no longer an option - and close the door behind you?

6. If the answer is yes to #5, what will it take for you to do that?

Remember: Step into your greatness now - where playing small is no longer an option! It's the most natural thing you'll ever do.

If you’d like to speak with me about stepping into your greatness, call today for a 30 - minute complimentary consultation @ 617-524-6153.

Author's Bio: 

Reggie Odom LICSW, CPCC, PCC, founder of Inspired Works, is known as the Passion and Authenticity Coach. She is a lecturer at the Simmons College School of Social Work and faculty member of the National Institute of Whole Health. Reggie is considered a master teacher and unforgettable speaker. She inspires and empowers professionals and solopreneurs to create a passionate, authentic life and business! She can be contacted at (617)524-6153, reggie@reggieodom.com or you can visit her web site at http://www.reggieodom.com