I met with a young woman late last week who was in a state of mind that I've seen in a lot of small business owners... regardless of their age, education level, or length of time they've been in business. I call it 'analysis paralysis' and it's a debilitating state of mind. Too many options, too many risks, too much pressure. The result is that you sit with your questions, watching good things happen to other people and wondering why you just can't get unstuck.

'Analysis paralysis' is, I think, the opposite of 'bright, shiny object syndrome'... a jargon-ish term that many of us have become familiar with over the past couple of years.

With 'bright, shiny object' syndrome, people jump from one good idea to another without really thinking through the implications. 'Bright, shiny object' syndrome tempts us to try the next big thing.

'Analysis paralysis' occurs when you can't STOP thinking about the implications of a wrong choice. If I do this, then this might happen, or that might happen, or what if this other thing happened. Maybe it would be better if I did this other thing over here.

Analysis paralysis results in a lack of execution. Nothing gets done. No movement forward occurs... only because you can't decide what move makes sense to make.

So, how do you break free from analysis paralysis? Try this...

1) Instead of being afraid of potential failure, embrace the experience.

If we followed the 'perfect path' every time, we'd never really be able to speak to what doesn't work... and sometimes, that information is just as valuable as what does.

>From every life experience, every business venture, every project dared, we learn something about ourselves. We learn what works, what doesn't. We begin collecting life wisdom that is unique to us.

2) Overcome inertia by picking something.

Do you remember high school physics class? An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.

If you've been stuck in analysis-paralysis mode, chances are it's going to feel like it'll take a pretty good 'oomph' to get you moving.

At the risk of making it sound way too simple, there comes a point when you just have to do something. Choose what feels best to you at the moment, flip a coin, roll a dice... but start somewhere. You can even make it something very small, but the key is to start somewhere, doing something.
Once you're in motion, it gets easier to keep moving forward.

Why this matters...

In my experience as a business coach, I've come to believe that being STUCK is far worse than being WRONG for an entrepreneur.

Movement is where lessons are learned, where big gains are made, where the money magic happens.

Nothing happens in the stuck place.

That doesn't mean that you'll hit the mark on the first try every time. Keep your perspective by asking yourself what you're learning about yourself, about life, about business.

Author's Bio: 

Best known for her "make-it-happen" attitude and her ability to connect big picture strategy with real world action, Joy Duling helps time-pressed professionals discover systems and tools to achieve their business goals.

Have feedback? I'd love to hear it. Drop me a reply at joy@a25hourday.com