So what does personalized learning really mean and why is everyone within the education and training communities getting so excited. In the first of three articles we take a look at personalized learning , from an NLP perspective .In this the first of three articles we profile the Auditory Sequential thinker in plain language . In subsequent articles we profile the Kinaesthetic and Visual Thinkers . All three articles are available on our site now , all three articles represent bleeding edge psychological insights , content that will published for the first time anywhere . This represents an exclusive for self growth and .


Unlike Eastern language , western script has a phonological base
meaning that language is both visual and auditory . The visual aspect of language isa substitution cipher , no logic , no reason , a discrete set of symbols combine into an infinite system . Inside the cortex a language module exists which processes these symbols into terms the auditory thinkers can relate to words , phases and sentences .The speed of this processing is dependent on the base span , how effectively can you chunk information .

Counter intuitively the implications for short term and working memory
are favorable in relation to written texts .

PROFILE : Auditory Thinkers

Profile : When engaged in auditory thinking there is often small rhythmic movements of the body the head is well balanced and tilted to one side as if listening , breathing is even across the chest area , tonality is clear and resonant, there may be gestures to the ears and use of language which is evocative of auditory processing .

Auditory Eye Accessing Cues

It has been established that for a the majority of right handed people when trying create a
sound , eyes will move across and to the right , when trying to recall ,
across and to the left. The Eye movement during reading text is prescribed ,
left to right , suggesting written text is a natural fit for the auditory thinker style.

Hidden Subtext



Sub Modalities

Learning Channel : Audio

Sub modalities are identified as the quality of the senses a term first used by Aristotle .
Simply by being aware of these qualities you improve the short term and working memory recall .

  • Stereo/Mono
  • Words or Sounds [actor/musician]
  • Volume [load or soft]
  • Tone [soft or harsh]
  • Timbre [fullness of sound ]
  • Location
  • Distance from Sound []
  • Duration []
  • Continuos or discontinuous []
  • Speed[faster or slower than usual]
  • Clarity [clear or muffled ]

    Applying sub modalities to a written text , the words/sounds distinction is key .
    Shakespearean actors overlay the text with implicit meaning by altering sub modalities .
    Churchill , John F Kennedy and Martin Luther Kings speeches are paced to leave an imprint on the
    sub conscious . By emphasizing Tone , Volume and Continuity the important messages are hard wired
    into the subconscious by sound alone .


    Modeling of musicians who can play by ear , reveals that on hearing a piece of music for the first time
    the first act is often to attach a kinesthetic anchor by assigning a mood to the piece , eye accessing
    cues are across and to the left for the majority , posture is as you would expect that of someone
    listening intently . Interestingly many musicians also report that a visual trace of the music close to
    notation is created . When the piece has finished the music is played back usually much faster while
    retaining original tonality , this time however internally . On hearing the music for the
    second time music is broken down to look for repetitive patterns in pitch and tonality . Of
    interest is the fact that where the music is complex auditory memory is bolstered by feelings which
    anchor context for the detailed image . Finally when playing the music back a kinesthetic motor action
    is attached.


    A percentage of the population when reading a text will sub vocalize , resulting in a lead system which
    is in conflict with the preferred visual system . Routing information into short term auditory tape
    loop storage , which requires constant repetition , probably initiated through internal dialog .
    Without repetition short term and working memory is likely to be very weak as the subject will look to
    retrieve information from visual memory . Since written text fails to deliver a context recall will
    be patchy . The solution is to look to anchor the text into a visual long term context by
    imposing visual analogies and similes . Through anchoring the cognitive model can be stabilized .
    A robust model is less vulnerable to inertia , less resistant to change , less likely to be incomplete
    and less vulnerable to the jigsaw effect , often referred to as cognitive colleges. The jigsaw effect
    is where you become familiar with the individual pieces or parts of the picture , but not with how the
    pieces comprise the whole .

    Learning Channel : Auditory

    The point of language is to communicate , in order to achieve it's goal language has to bridge the gap
    of competing representational systems . The words and phrasing we use in life reflect our
    representation system .


    Rhythm , tone , resonate , monotonous , sound , clear , audible , listen, harmonious , silence , quiet:
    Vocal , shout , tell , speechless , ring , remark , accent .


  • Word for Word
  • Living in harmony
  • On the same wavelength
  • Unheard of
  • Load and Clear
  • Turn a deaf ear
  • Music to my ears
  • Rings a bell
  • All Greek to me
  • Mumbo Jumbo
  • Hold your tongue

    Use of language in a statistically significant manner together with speed , tonality , posture and body
    language should indicate a leaning towards one of the representational systems .

    Cognitive Model

    The auditory thinker will given the choice seek to internalize information as words and phases . If travelling by the London underground navigation might be internalized as east on the Piccadilly ,then east on the red line . The evidence suggests that for the ear minded , written language is a god send . Eye accessing cues during reading are from left to right . The medium of the message is the word , which means that subconscious triggers are already likely to be encoded into the text .The memory trace for the auditory thinker will revolve around major and minor sub headings . encoding order and structure into the subconscious cognitive model . A superior ability to utilise synonyms is an advantagewhen it comes to recovering detailed memory from a cognitive model which resembles a high level word driven menu .

    The auditory model may also provide an explanation for technical jargon , rather than a crude attempt to exclude the layman . Jargon exists to utilize a principle of engineering called the black box , which is designed to shield engineers from complexity . Appropriate use of well chosen headings and
    sub headings to set the context and technical language to chunk the content will strengthen the model .

  • Author's Bio: 

    S M Thompson is the director and founder of a site which specializes in bleeding edge applications of Accelerated Learning ,NLP , Memory & Dyslexia Research - Home to the Einstein Gene - Leaders in the Field