In this fast-paced society that we now find ourselves, the overwhelming activities of the holidays come upon us earlier and earlier each year. We no more get the “back to school” rush over, than it is time to make all the preparations for the next big event, even though it seems to be months away.
Unconsciously, this frenzy of activity places unlimited stresses on our bodies. A common element is present in each of the following ten situations. Can you recognize this element? Also recognize the feeling/emotion that arises as you ask each question.

(1) Money Issues … Do you have a Christmas Club fund or other savings set aside? How much does your budget allow for unplanned expenditures? How long will it take to pay off this holiday bill?

(2) Time Restraints … How full is your schedule now? How many requests for your time will occur? Do you have a problem with saying “no”?

(3) Family Relationships … What are the interactions of various family members? Does getting together around the same table create problems? What is the ‘in-law” situation?

(4) Gift Selections/Shopping … Do you buy for everyone you know or just family? Do you have the money and time for all this shopping and wrapping? Do you already know what you will buy for each or will you have to just shop first?

(5) Memories … Do you think of past holidays each season? Are they good or bad memories? Do you adhere to certain traditions out of duty?

(6) Loneliness … Even with the activities, are you sad or depressed? Will you be alone for the holidays?

(7) Grief/ Loss … Are you currently in mourning? Does this time of the year bring to mind past loss?

(8) Travel Plans … Will you be traveling during the holidays? Do you need to prepare for company?

(9) Fatigue … Does just looking at this list make you tired? Do you feel exhausted during or after the holidays? Are you concerned about your overall health?

(10) Resolutions for the New Year … Do you feel obligated to make yearly resolutions? Do you continue to break them? What emotions surface from this failure to follow through?

These ten issues create many emotional components that effect an individual’s ability to function at their peak throughout the holiday season. The major element flowing through each is Stress. The second element that appears is that of Fear. Take a closer look … there is the fear of not having enough money or time; the fear of not pleasing others or not buying the proper gift; fear of being alone; fear of flying; fear of being or becoming ill ,and fear of failure. These fears (emotions) attribute to the stresses placed on the body.
The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.

Fortunately, there is an effective, easy-to-learn, self-administered technique being taught world-wide. This method of reducing or even eliminating the underlining emotional issue, which in turn causes various stresses or physical pain, can be learned from a certified instructor, usually in one to three sessions. The four-step basic recipe is as easy as baking a cake, but the results will greatly improve the quality of a person’s life.

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A resolution that is truly fail-safe is scheduling an appointment with Judith Pflum, EFT-CC of “Self Healing Awareness with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).” Phone sessions are available. There is no reason to live in fear and pain. Freedom from fears, phobias, anxiety, additive cravings, depression, anger or guilt, is the life we are meant to experience resulting in joy and peace. For more information , call (256) 774-3392 or e-mail: