I heard something the other day that I just can't let go of. It's an idea that's stunning, yet so obvious, I can't believe I haven't come across it sooner...

Our thoughts are CURRENCY.

Let that sink in for a moment.

In other words, everything you think about you BUY.

We've all heard that what we focus on determines the results we get in life. That makes sense. If you want something badly enough, and you focus all your energy on getting it, you'll very likely achieve it. Whereas if you don't focus on getting it, you won't.

But the currency metaphor takes this idea a bit further. It suggests that we even get the things we DON'T want if we think about them long enough.

So if you constantly think, "I don't want to be poor. I hate not having any money. I don't earn enough to buy the things I want. My job sucks."--if you SPEND most of your thoughts on the experience of being poor, that's what you get.

We all know someone who constantly complains about how unlucky they are, how nothing ever goes right for them. And when you look closely at their life, what do you notice? They're right. They DO seem to have worse luck than the average person.

How can this be true?

Well, let's look at the salesperson who's so worried about not making the sale that's all he can focus on. In his sales presentation, do you think he's relaxed or tense? Do you think he's more concerned with solving his prospect's problem or selling his product? Do you think he'll respond empathetically or defensively to his prospect's objections?

Clearly, a tense and defensive salesperson who's aggressively pushing his product is not going to have the greatest chance of making the sale.

So, if thoughts are currency, and you buy whatever you think about, the importance of a positive mental focus becomes obvious. Imagine each week when you got your paycheck you went out and bought everything you didn't want. That's ridiculous, right? So, be as frugal with your thoughts as you are with your cash.

Here's how you do it:

1. Increase your awareness of when and how often your thoughts go negative. Get in the habit of asking yourself, "What am I focusing on right now? Is it positive or negative?"

2. If your focus is negative, replace it with its positive opposite. Instead of dwelling on the things that are missing in your life, focus on what you already have and what's possible in the future. Get in the habit of asking yourself, "What do I love about my life?"

3. Defend yourself fiercely against outside toxic negative influences. Stay away from complainers and blamers. Limit your exposure to the sensationalized and negative media. Get in the habit of asking yourself, "What's influencing my mental focus right now, and is it positive or negative?"

4. Surround yourself with positive influences (or simply notice what's already around you). Associate frequently with people who lift your spirits and inspire you. Decorate your home and work space with pictures and colors that make you feel good. Play upbeat music that gives you energy. Get in the habit of asking yourself, "What can I do or focus on that will increase the quality of this experience?"

In his classic book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote, "You have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over but one thing, and that is your thoughts. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else."

With a consistent positive mental focus, you will cultivate fertile ground in which success and fulfillment will take root and grow. With a negative focus, your life becomes polluted and toxic, killing off your dreams before they even have a chance.

Copyright 2006 Curtis G. Schmitt

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Curtis G. Schmitt invites you to learn the 5 Master Keys to Effective Time Management and Planning in a teleclass people are calling a "life-saver," "powerful," and "inspirational"! When you apply these 5 master keys, you'll develop a clear focus on exactly the results you want in your life. Register for this teleclass today: http://www.TurnOnToLife.com