Have you ever wondered why skin care manufacturers make different products for different parts of the face? One for the eyes, one for the nose and chin, one for the lips, another one for the area around the mouth - it’s hard to know which product to use for which area and whether or not they are interchangeable. A shielding lotion is a good all-round natural skin care treatment, but knowing the properties of the skin on the different parts of the face will help you take better care of each. Here’s the scoop.

The Eyes: The tissue around the eyes can be 10 times thinner than other parts of the face. It’s very delicate and not very resilient. If you check the mirror early in the morning, especially after a night when you were short on sleep, it seems that you can simply move the skin around the eyes from one place to another without it bouncing back at all. In fact, that is almost the case. While you may not want to bother getting special skin care treatment products for the eye area, you should at least treat it gently. When taking makeup off use a soft makeup sponge rather than a washcloth and dab rather than rub.

The Cheeks: Those who have oily skin may notice that the skin on the cheeks is never as oily as the rest of the face. Cheek skin does tend to be dry. A little extra care should be taken to keep the cheeks soft and supple. A skin care product that locks in moisture really helps – and use a little more of it.

The Nose: Along with the forehead and chin, the nose tends to be a bit oilier than the rest of the face. When all three are oily you have the oily T (T zone), but as the oil glands are bigger and more active right around the nose, that’s more likely to be the problem area. Keep the skin around the nose blotted, and use a little less of everything.

The Lips: The skin on the lips doesn’t produce very much moisture on its own so you have to make sure that the little moisture it does have is locked in. And you have to protect them from anything that causes them to get dry. A good natural skin care product that locks in moisture will do it.

Around the Mouth: Although the skin around the mouth doesn’t have special properties, the mouth is the most animated area of the face. If we just kept a slight smile on our face all the time, not enough to cause any creases, lines around the mouth would probably form decades later than usual. Obviously, that’s not a very practical solution but there are some mouth movements you could do without – frowning for example. It’s a nasty habit and it doesn’t make you look good, or feel good. A little smile even when times are tough could save you a lot of money on skin care treatment to get rid of those frown lines.

No matter what your skin type or your skin problem, and no matter what area of the face or body, two basics always apply – locking in natural moisture, and keeping out chemicals. A good shielding lotion does both. So, whatever products you decide to use for those special areas, don’t forget that shielding lotion is the one skin care treatment you shouldn’t go without.

Author's Bio: 

Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is an expert author on skin care solutions and contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, please visit www.SkinMDNatural.com.