
Making radical changes can induce anxiety and panicky feelings because you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. We want familiarity. When you start making changes, you’re not familiar with these new feelings and it makes you want to retreat back inside your shell where it feels safe even if it means keeping the same old dissatisfied feelings because at least they’re familiar to you.

If you keep your same self image as you have now of someone who “just doesn’t have any self discipline” or “just not willing to work too hard to achieve success in anything”, then you are more susceptible to being influenced by other people and circumstances. Other people and outside circumstances will be what determines how you feel and the choices you ultimately make. A lot of times we get caught up in the negative talk around us that sounds all too normal and we just accept it. Things people say, like “I’ve been this way for so long I doubt I could ever change” or “you’re going to die of something anyway might as well do whatever it is that gives you pleasure”. These type of messages get stuck in the subconscious and replay over and over until we begin to believe them as well. It’s like an excuse for not having to put too much effort into anything, its so much easier to just buy into this negativity and continue to stay in this comfort zone. Our subconscious tells us “oh, too much effort, that might actually create success”.

For someone trying to lose weight, they might have a lot of negative self-talk that is sabotaging their weight loss success, for example they may find themselves having this internal conversation where their subconscious is telling them “you’ll never lose this weight, you’ve never done it before why should this be any different, you might as well just go ahead and eat the rest of those cookies because at least they comfort you and make you feel good right now, you’ve got so much weight to lose and it would take way too long before you see any results, you might as well just accept the way you are now and enjoy your food”. And we think that its that negative voice that is actually in control of our lives but the truth is that negative voice is only our conditioned way of thinking and it can be changed into a positive voice. We have to re-condition that negative thinking in order to be more in control of ourselves.

Client’s ask me “how long will it take for this to work”. I tell them that any kind of lasting change is never an overnight deal. It might take one person a month and yet another 6 months. It just all depends on the individual, everyone is different with different issues, some more deep-rooted than others. This is more like committing to a new way of life, sometimes radically different than what you’ve ever known. And when the anxiety pops up this will automatically make you want to give up because after all you’ve been dealing with this problem for many years and it’s old hat, but the anxiety from making changes is something new and is quite uncomfortable. But this anxiety will subside and you’ll be so happy that you worked through it.

Growing up I was told many times over that I couldn’t handle anything, I was too weak, I was just not intelligent enough to figure things out for myself and that I would have to have someone to always take care of me. This message became my belief and continued on into my adult life. I would always say “I just can’t handle it”, “there’s no way I could ever achieve anything”. This was my self-image. I never applied myself with anything because I thought it would just be a waste of time since I believed I wasn’t strong enough or intelligent enough to do much of anything. I was miserable and depressed most of the time. And I’m sure that I’m not the only one out there that grew up hearing negative messages because I see way too many people with negative habits and people that are extremely stressed.

So, how do you see yourself? Do you find yourself saying negative things about you? If so, start asking yourself empowering questions and explore where these words might be coming from. I see a lot of women that struggle with self-image and insecurity. They have based their self-worth on their looks and they will go to extreme measures to try and stay up with that level of what men or society says is acceptable. They’ve lost touch with their true identity. So there are a lot of women out there that are insecure in their relationships, they don’t feel as though they are good enough, and that again has everything to do with self-image and early mental conditioning.

With the hypnosis and EFT, these self-image issues can be resolved very easily but with persistence and consistency. You don’t have to suffer, there is definitely help to be found. And I would love to be able to help you overcome these negative obstacles in your life, just give me a call for a free consultation and we’ll go from there. My own negative life experiences and board certification as a Clinical Hypnotist helps me have the understanding necessary to be able to relate and find the right solutions. Don’t hesitate to give me a call today at 830-708-0615 or email me at or just check out my website for more information at

Author's Bio: 

Kimmie S. Smith is a Board Certified Clinical Hypnotist and and Advanced EFT Practitioner. She is currently working on her certification as a Life Strategies Coach. Her own negative life experiences and personal life transformation through Hypnosis and EFT gives her the skills and understanding necessary to help others through their difficulties.