Last week I emotionally emerged from a 6-month cocoon. We had moved to a new home, I had started a new job, gave many workshops, took a class and continued to run my Coaching practice.
Getting together with friends and family was inconceivable, if not downright inconvenient. They may have had time, but I certainly did not.

As I listened to an old song from High School days I was thrown back to old times with my best friend. Back then not a day went by that we didn’t see each other everyday, or at the very least, speak. Now it is lucky if we speak to each other a dozen times a year and see each other twice. We don’t live in a different country; we barely live in a different state. I realized that my best friend, as well as other people I care about, had become “guests” in my life. We called every so often to catch up, but they were no longer an interwoven, integral part of my everyday life.

Though I realized seeing or speaking to each other everyday was unreasonable it is a choice to do so more frequently.

I took 6 days off last week and instead of making calls, sending e-mails or planning a workshop I made a decision to spend time with loved ones. I invited my parents to our new home, not for a holiday, but “just because”. I made time with a newer friend and spent an afternoon strengthening our relationship at a fun and unique place that she had never been to before. My best friend and her boyfriend stayed with my husband and I for the weekend and just enjoyed one another’s company.

Relationships need to be nurtured. They need attention and love. Relationships require hard work, but instead of draining us, they give us life.

I emerged from my cocoon last week and saw the beauty of a butterfly.

Coach’s Challenge

What relationship do you need to nurture? Make a choice and set aside the time for someone that has been lacking you attention. It may even be you!

I’d love to hear from you if you have had similar experiences or took my challenge and would like to tell me about the results.

Author's Bio: 

Throughout most of my life, in one way or another, I think I’ve always been a coach. Helping others figure out what they really want and where they are stuck has always been a passion for me. Coaching is something I’ve always done, something that I’ve always loved, and something which seems to come naturally for me.

Contact Karen Regan at for a free Coaching chat!