What is White Noise?

You keep hearing and reading about all the wonderful properties of this magical "white noise" and how it helps humans (and even animals) relax and sleep. Before we look at what white noise is used for and how to add it to your environment, let us first examine what white noise really is.

To understand the promise of white noise, one must first understand its mechanics. In its purest form, it is not really noise at all. White noise, which is also known as white sound, is a combination of sound frequencies in equal amounts. Just like a white beam of light is made up of all the colors in the color spectrum, white noise is made up of all the sound frequencies.

Because it incorporates all sound frequencies from high sounds to very low sounds, it has a very beneficial noise canceling or "masking" effect.

But what does the white noise sound like? Well, the best description would be to say it sounds like a slow soothing "whoosh." Many say it is the sound of the rain, or the waves gently caressing the shore, or the wind blowing through the trees.

It is a very peaceful sound that is instinctively soothing and calming to the ears and minds of humans of all ages. White noise is actually a sound given to us by Mother Nature, in the same way as she has provided us with water and air.

What Is the Healing Power of White Noise?

The next question is, what is white noise used for?

Parents have learned to truly appreciate the therapeutic value of white noise with a new baby in their home. It has been noted to be very useful in quieting a crying or fussy baby, even with babies suffering from colic. Not only is white noise good for helping babies to calm down and relax, it also helps to promote sleeping through the night.

Folks who are always contending with environmental noise pollution find white noise to be essential to increasing their productivity. College students and office workers use white noise to mask sounds that may compromise their concentration.

White noise is even recognized as a sound masking treatment for those suffering from tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hyperacusis and other inner ear disorders.

Still others use white noise to mask the sounds that interrupt their sleep. Whether you must contend with traffic rumbling down nearby thoroughfares, barking dogs or your spouse's snore, white noise can be used to effectively mask these sounds as well. The net result is a more restful sleep with the full rejuvenating benefits a good night’s sleep can bring. Night shift workers who need to sleep during the day are equally delighted with the masking effects of white noise.

At this point, we have discovered what white noise is and how it can be used to improve your life. Now, we must consider how white noise can be introduced into your personal environment.

How Can White Noise Be Obtained?

White noise can actually be obtained in many forms.

Some people say that radio static or the humming sound of a running fan or air conditioner provides white noise. Unfortunately, with these methods, you really cannot control the volume or tone of these sounds. More importantly, you really would not want to run a fan or air conditioner in the winter, would you? Additionally, you would not want to run the risk of burning out your expensive fan motors either.

There had to be a better way.

Some companies produce white noise sound machines and white noise generators. These devices are not only bulky or cumbersome to use, they can be also expensive to acquire.

Again, there had to be a better way.

With the advantage of the technology of the Compact Disk to replicate perfect sound very inexpensively, why should one have to buy a machine or generator?

CD’s are not only very cost effective and portable, but allow you to control its volume through your existing CD player. Specifically, white noise CDs give you the flexibility to more precisely achieve the proper sound level needed to mask sounds without being too loud on your hearing. You can boost the bass to cover the low rumbles like truck noise or snoring. And you can use the "repeat" function to have white noise mask out disruptive sounds all night long.

White noise can be obtained in different formats such as ocean waves and the wind. Of course, these are not the real ocean waves and wind but pure white noise in the soothing rhythmic pattern of waves or the dynamic intensity of the wind.

Pure white noise CD’s can be sampled and acquired from

In the end, the importance of white noise is not in the format from which you acquire its therapeutic values. What is really important is your good health. Explore today how white noise can help you relax, sleep or improve your concentration.

Author's Bio: 

Reg Furlough is the head of PureWhiteNoise.com®,an audio research and development company studying white noise and its many applications and benefits to children and adults since 1985.

His expertise in combining the science of both sound and relaxation technology with the art of white noise, to has successfully benefited thousands of children and adults around the world.

In addition, our pure white noise® is carefully calibrated to provide optimum sound masking benefits as well as offer help to those suffering with symptoms of Tinnitus, Ménière's Disease, Hyperacusis, ADD/ADHD and infants displaying the symptoms of Colic.

For more information, contact Reg Furlough or visit PureWhiteNoise.com.