Finding someone to talk to about your business is a lot simpler than you think when you know how to use The Internet.

If, like most veteran network marketers, you've exhausted your warm market (all the people you know) and now depend on talking to anyone within three feet of you that could be interested in your business, you're going to fall in love with The Internet.

If you're brand new to network marketing, and you're struggling with your first assignment – make a list of everyone you know so you can tell them about your business – your worries are over. The Internet solves your problem and gives you direct access to millions of new people.

Now, you can roll up your sleeves and get to work building your network marketing business with enthusiasm. The Internet will put you in direct contact with people everywhere in the world. You should be using it to talk to everyone you know and you should be using it to talk to strangers.

The Internet can replace your warm market. The new Three Foot Rule in network marketing is "When you're sitting in front of your computer, you're within three feet of the entire online world.” You can talk to anyone when you know where to find them and how to use The Internet.

The Internet made all the difference in Melanie Rogers’ success.

Melanie was a young woman living in central Canada. She didn't have a warm market to talk to. Her chiropractor sponsor suggested she send out promotional audio tapes to a mailing list she purchased. Every week for an entire year, she mailed out ten tapes to different people on the list and every week she thought "One of these people is going to listen to the tape and call me," but no one ever did.

Melanie heard that other people in her company were using The Internet to meet people online to talk about their business. She asked her sponsor if he knew

how people were using The Internet, but he didn't have a clue. So she traveled to an event sponsored by her company in Chicago, to meet other distributors and to learn how they were using The Internet.

Melanie met Angela waiting for an elevator at her hotel. Angela knew all about Internet prospecting. "I'm meeting six people who I met online, at this hotel later today. They’re considering getting into my business," she told Melanie. "Come up to my room during lunch and I'll show you how easy it is to send a message to a total stranger and establish a relationship."

Later in Angela's room, Melanie watched in amazement as her new friend used a laptop to search for prospects online via two of the world's largest free search directories. She saw Angela pick from hundreds of people who were online and start a conversation with someone that lived close to the hotel. Before the online conversation ended, Angela's new friend made a commitment to stop by the hotel later to meet her and learn more about the business.

When Melanie returned home from Chicago, she immediately began her Internet adventure. She created the screen name and posted a fabulous profile online.

She wanted to use The Internet to meet people in the cities where her company held promotional events. The company’s next event was in Orlando, Florida, and Melanie planned to attend.

Melanie learned a lot about her business and company’s products in Chicago. She made many new friends and had a fun filled weekend. She learned new skills that she would apply to her business, but the biggest thing she learned was how to use The Internet to find and meet great people for her products and business opportunity.

Melanie searched onlne looking for people to contact in Orlando. She started every conversation with:

"Hello, My name is Melanie. I'm coming to Orlando at the end of January for a convention. Do you know what the temperature will be there then? I'm in Canada and expect it will be 5 or 10 below zero here."

Melanie made twenty new contacts that turned into friends in the Orlando area with these initial messages. Six of these friends became customers prior to the convention and attended it with her. Two of the six were Chiropractors. Before she left town, she signed up an additional six people from her new contact list.

A year and a half later, when Melanie's company expanded into the United Kingdom, she immediately started making new friends in London. She started each conversation with a compliment and a reference to the contents of the person's profile.

"Hello, I like your profile. I'm coming to London at the end of July for a five day convention. My company is expanding our business there. How difficult is it to get a tour of Buckingham Palace? I’d really appreciate your help."

Melanie made six good friends in London and made plans to meet them when she was there.

On her first day in London, Melanie met her new Internet friends and they all signed up in her business. The first person she enrolled was the head coach of a professional soccer team. He convinced everyone connected with his team that they needed to be taking the company's products and signed them all up as customers.

As a result, Melanie became her company's first national marketing rep in the United Kingdom. She went from zero sales activity her first year in business found incredible success with the help of The Internet.

Effective use of The Internet solves the biggest problem facing everyone in network marketing. It provides access to millions of people and virtually replaces your warm market.

Denis Waitley recently wrote, "Unless you join the generation of the future, you will be relegated to living in the past. Unless you're comfortable with the information superhighway, you'll be road kill on it."

If you're not using The Internet to build your business, you're seriously behind the times.

Max Steingart has been The Internet Trainer for the network marketing industry since 1997. You will find detailed information as to how you too can use The Internet to find new customers and distributors by visitng

Author's Bio: 

You may or may not know me, but long before there was the Internet and eBay I created a business that used computers to match buyers and sellers of yachts, airplanes, exotic automobiles, fine art, thoroughbred horses, and high-end real estate. Almost instantly I recognized the pivotal role Instant Messaging and the Internet would play in helping people connect directly with other people for my new business.

I began using Instant Messaging to create a sales organization of more than 7,000 people in less than two years. One of my delights has been to see the success of others using the system I've created to propel their way to success.

In fact, I helped one young postal worker add more than 1,000 people to her business in four months. Many of the people I trained found that they could apply my lessons and help their full-time careers as well as their part-time networking business.

After helping tens of thousands of networkers, I put the training material together as a resource for everyone. And in the process, confirmed that I was also helping Doctors, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Small Business Owners, Therapists, Personal Trainers, Stay-At-Home Parents, Consultants, Executives, Salespeople, Teachers, Nutritionists, Yoga Instructors, Lawyers...the list goes on and on.

That business quickly grew into a multi-million-dollar business that became an INC 500 Company. It was during those days that South Florida Magazine referred to me as, "The Mogul of Consumer Databases."It was during that same time Money Magazine called me, "The Match Maker" because I was helping people meet the right people. I retired at the age of 47. However, I've never been one to let "moss grow under my feet" so I came out of retirement two years later and jumped in with both feet to the direct sales industry.