A friend in Colorado just made a huge decision to build a
factory and showroom that will be four times the size of their
current site.
AND the new location is several miles outside
of the town where they’ve grown their reputation and
customer base over the last 10 years.
AND they will have to take on several huge loans.
AND go through the stress and hassle of construction.
AND live with the uncertainty of whether their customers
will follow them . . . or not.
So there are plenty of “down sides” to this big jumping
off into the unknown . . .
Or, are there?
After all, their sales and profits have been limited by their
floor space for the past three years.
They’ve been unable to branch out into related products
that are more fun and have a higher profit margin.
And they’ve felt stuck, stuck, stuck . . .
So, as our friend wrote the other day,
"We could bomb in a new location, but we have no choice,
and we're going for it.
“Failure isn't the worst outcome. The fear of being fabulous is . . .
regrets on your deathbed . . .the worst possible conclusion to life."
So, what if they lose money the first couple of years in their
new location? Is that really a disaster? What if it’s a fabulous
kick in the you-know-what to help them create new branding,
new advertising, new in-store promotions, new . . . whatever
it takes to spring them and their company into a fabulous new
future that would never have been possible without taking the
big, big risk.
So, the only down side to taking a well-reasoned, planned out
risk - where you consult with experts and you think it through
is . . . NONE.
Now, we want to make sure you know we’re not talking here
about impulsive Self-Sabotage that The Fear of Being Fabulous
is quite capable of prompting you to do. No way. That’s not a risk.
That’s guaranteed to send you right back down into the bowels of hell.
We‘re talking about the quantum risks we all need to take, those
life-enhancing challenges to our current ideas of who we are
in the world. Those risks . . . are actually failure-proof.
Because, guaranteed, they catapult you into the next dimension
of what it means to be the most fabulous you you can be.
Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski, producers
of the "Bridging Heart and Marketing" Internet
marketing conferences for the soft sell community
invite you to grow your business by getting their
bonus audio "How To Build Your Soft Sell Marketing
Platform." Just go to: http://www.bridgingheartandmarketing.com/platformbonus
Husband-and-wife psychology team and Internet marketers Judith Sherven, Ph.D. and Jim Sniechowski, Ph.D. pioneered a heart-based approach to Soft Sell Marketing. They’ve taken
that approach into producing “Bridging Heart and Marketing” - their unique, first-time-ever Internet marketing conference dedicated to the specific needs of the Soft Sell marketing community - for whom the typical hard sell "hype" doesn't fit.
By Soft Sell they’re referring to all the personal growth, healing and life-enhancement providers who market services and products. Unlike typical hard sell tactics, Soft Sell Marketing reinforces a caring and trustworthy relationship between marketers and the prospects and customers they want to attract.
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