In this article, I want to provide a few tips to cure insomnia and give some suggestions to sleep better so that you can enjoy a healthy, happy life. Hope you will find the insomnia tips here useful.

You might be aware that people who have suffered from insomnia from a long time, may feel afraid or wary of going to bed at night, because they expect to lie awake for a long time.

This firm expectation on their part to stay awake can itself be
counter-productive to their efforts of trying to sleep. If they can learn to relax and let go of the worry about not being able to sleep, it can be much better for them.

Another problem which people with insomnia might face is that they may begin to worry that if they don't fall asleep soon, they may not get enough sleep during the night and if this trend continues, it might affect their health very much.

While lack of sleep can adversely affect your health, but a thing to remember here is that it is highly unlikely that someone might die or get seriously ill due to lack of sleep. This is because, your body will most probably get atleast the minimum amount of sleep required.

If you lose sleep tonight, your body might make up for it the next night as you will feel sleepy sooner the next night. So one of the tips to cure insomnia is to get over your fear of not getting enough sleep. Learn to relax about this.

Sometimes, the harder we try something, the more difficult it might become for us to achieve what we wish. In such cases, you might try doing just the opposite and who knows might end up with what you wanted.

For example, you might have noticed that the harder you try to sleep, the more chances that you will stay awake longer. So instead of trying hard to sleep, try hard to stay awake. You might soon find yourself dozing off.

Though sleeping pills might help you to get sleep, you might not
benefit much with such sleep. It is said that our body gets more rest during the dream phase of our sleeping and the pills seem to suppress the dream phase.

So we might end up feeling more tired on waking up than we felt before

going to sleep by taking sleeping pills. In fact, it might be much better for our body to just lie down and rest while being awake than falling asleep with the help of sleeping pills.

While in bed, it is important not to try too hard to fall asleep or keep your mind blank from any disturbing thoughts. Just try to keep calm and allow yourself to rest.

If worries and thoughts about any problems come to your mind, gently divert your mind away from them or else tell yourself repeatedly that you will think about it tomorrow. Repeat this to yourself as long as it is necessary.

In case of acute and long standing insomnia, it is highly recommended to see a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

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Learn about the natural cures for insomnia here - Rid of Sleepless Nights

Also check out my article - 15 tips for a good nights sleep