Sometimes the answer is right under your nose.

Articles published in newspapers, magazines, journals, andwebsites can be a invaluable source for opportunity. Think ofthem as a roadmap to helping you get the job you want orpotential new clients.

I'll share with you one of the ways I read articles that mightopen your eyes to opportunity.

First, I put my private investigator hat on. Playing the role ofprivate investigator puts me in the mindset of looking forclues. Clues that will help me grow my business, find potentialnew partners, and uncover what could be lucrative employment andnew business opportunities for some of my clients.

For instance, I enjoy reading articles that feature a specificcompany or report on an industry. These profiles often tell astory. They will highlight successes, failures, performance, newproducts, growth, and other newsworthy items. Each time I readan article like this I'm constantly asking the question, "Whatimmediate opportunities or challenges are they facing and whatcan I do with this information?" Here's an example of how thismight work:

I came across an article with the catchy headline:

"Peaberry poised to pour some competition Starbucks' way"

The very first paragraph put my brain into gear. The reporterwrote that Peaberry Coffee is about to launch a franchiseprogram that will increase it's number of locations from 23 to500 by 2010. That's over a 2000% growth rate in just six shortyears. Do you think there might be some opportunities orchallenges associated with this?

The article went on to mention Peaberry Coffee receivedregulatory approval to offer franchises in Colorado, California,Texas, Utah, and Arizona.

Here are some possible clues for opportunity:

-- They might need regional sales managers to sell franchises.
-- A management team to run them.
-- Marketing research experts to understand the territory and marketplace.
-- A new and upgraded computer network, point of sale system, and HR information systems to handle the significant growth.
-- Training managers and trainers to work with the employees of the new franchises and get them up to speed in the market.
-- Real estate professionals who know how to pick the most profitable locations.
-- Interior and exterior store designers.
-- Buyers to negotiate big bulk food and supplies.
-- All of those people to work in each new store.

Another section of the article spoke of Peaberry landing awholesale contract to supply 160 military bases worldwide.

Here's what clues came to mind:

-- If you have a military background, they'll need some expertise managing the inner-workings of a military base.
-- Procurement and purchasing through the military is a whole different animal. They could be looking for people who know how this works.
-- Peaberry has no international presence. Might they need someone who understands international business and all its complexities? I see a entire department of people.
-- All the staff to run each one of the 160 locations.

From just two short paragraphs in an article, it's possible tosee enormous opportunity for employment and new business. Therewere also direct quotes from top management throughout thearticle. Actual names of people you could talk to about yourideas.
So, the next time you read an article, put on your private eyegear and get to work. Go get 'em Sherlock.

Author's Bio: 

Frank Traditi is principal of a coaching firm specializing inpersonal marketing, career management, professional speaking,and executive coaching. He is the co-author of "Get Hired NOW!"and author of "The Insider's Guide to Getting a New Job." Frankis also a licensed facilitator of sales and marketing program,"Get Clients NOW!" He is a graduate of CoachTrainer, andTeleclass Leader Training Program. He can be reached at303-471-8733,, or