Type 2 diabetes has two main causes.
Either the body does not produce enough natural insulin or
the cells in the body are resistant to the insulin it does make.
There are many natural herbal products on the market today that are able to lower blood sugars or force the body to produce more insulin. Unfortunately, these products will have to be taken for life only to control diabetes symptoms. The same applies to many prescription diabetes drugs.
In order to cure any ailment, you have to correct the cause, not just the symptoms.
Researchers at the Julia McFarlane Diabetes Research Center and the University of Calgary in Canada have done just that. A little-known combination of 11 safe and natural herbs that have been scientifically studied for more than 20 years was put on the market in 1999. This product is called ELEOTIN.
Unlike harsh prescription drugs and herbs that can only control symptoms, Eleotin works on a metabolic level to restore the basic health of the pancreas and restore Beta Cell function. With the health of the pancreas restored, normal supplies of insulin are delivered and accepted by newly restored Beta Cells. Eleotin does NOT have to be taken for a lifetime. Taken as directed, most users report seeing positive changes within 1-3 months, with most having to use it between 6-24 months to see permanent / fundamental changes as seen in your quarterly A1C levels.
Taking care of type 2 diabetes is a lifelong challenge. There are no miracle cures that will let you eat anything you want and be diabetes free, but if you are struggling or want to be able to get off those prescription drugs and insulin injections, Eleotin just may the answer you're looking for.
Emily Saar is the owner of Don McNamara CMC is the founder and President of Heritage Associates, Inc. and is a sales management consultant, sales and sales management trainer and coach. He also speaks, writes and conducts seminars on the art and science of superior sales management and top sales performance. Don has over 30 years sales and sales management experience; having been an individual contributor, corporate sales training manager, regional manager, national sales manager and vice president of sales. He is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) as a member of the Institute of Management Consultants and a professional member of the National Speakers Association. He has resided in Orange County, California for over 25 years.
Contact Don McNamara by phone (949) 230-4363 at e-mail: djmcn@heritage-associates.net, and visit http://www.BetaTherapy.com
Beta Therapy sells Eleotin, the Canadian type 2 diabetes cure mentioned in Kevin Trudeau's 'Natural Cures' series, scientifically studied in the book 'Bitter-Sweet Profits' and included in many other holistic healing books.
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