Have you ever put lots of time and effort into creating a new brand - designing the logo, the new website and even the new business card, all the while saying to yourself, "Wow! This is a great idea! It's time for a new brand! And I love the thought of specializing in this area." Only to find that weeks later something doesn't feel quite right?

You invest hours and hours of your precious time and spend lots of money too. Meanwhile, you begin to get little twinges in your belly--tell tale signs that something isn't in sync with your soul, but you ignore them. So you talk yourself into continuing along, ignoring the warning bells.

"Nah...that's not really a twinge.", you tell yourself. "This is a great idea. It's fun and besides, I've poured way too much time, energy, and money into this to discard it all and begin again. Everything is just fine."

A year ago I attended a Brand Authenticity workshop in Tucson, Arizona with my business coach, Kendall Summerhawk. I was so excited preparing for it and decided that my intention for the seminar would be to continue to fine-tune my new brand Linderella Coaching. I could already see myself returning home with all kinds of new creative and fun programs to offer women entrepreneurs--my ideal client group.

However, clarity arrived within hours on the very first day. For weeks, I'd been having difficulty putting these programs together. As much as I wanted to deny the realizations that had been coming to me, I had to admit that the reason I was having a tough time was that the Linderella Brand wasn't right for me.

On a deep level I had of course known this, but somewhere in the branding process I had begun to second-guess my decision; listening to the ideas of others and ignoring the ever so subtle inner signs that something wasn't sitting right for me.

Early in the workshop when my authentic brand presented itself, I had great resistance. I became frustrated, sad, and concerned with all that I had recently invested. However, by day three I was ready to move on, trusting that when everything seems to be falling apart, it's often a sign that things are also coming together.

After the workshop I went to Sedona for a few days and unexpectedly found myself at a labyrinth on the grounds of a Unity Church. This pleased me to no end because I love labyrinths and I wanted to do a ritual to honor and release my old brand and to bring in the new.

I walked into the entrance of the labyrinth and as soon as I did I felt energy start to move. After a minute or so I became disoriented, got mixed up, distracted, and felt as though I had lost my way. I found myself in the wrong row. I noticed my level of frustration was a perfect match and a mirror reflection of how I had been forcing the Linderella Brand to manifest.

I decided to lighten up, and with a spring in my steps, I sacrilegiously walked across all of the labyrinth rows until I reached the center. I stood there, took a deep breath, looked up at the blue sky, and felt as though I had arrived home again. I was so done with confusion, uncertainty, and losing my way.

With a much lighter step and a happier heart, I pretty much skipped my way out of the labyrinth. Now it was easy. I knew exactly where I was going and it was such a welcome relief to be moving towards new beginnings of creating soul-based programs for women.

Although I always in hindsight, honor the detours, I love knowing when I am once again pointed in the right direction to a future that is authentic, exciting, and inner-directed.

So how about you? Is your brand an authentic reflection of your soul's higher purpose? Are you following your inner-direction, or are you unknowingly being influenced by outside forces? Can you stay true to yourself and your purpose?

While you may have your own unique way to gain clarity and to receive answers, the labyrinth is a powerful tool for transformation and for meeting your authentic self. You might have one in your area. If you don't, give yourself the gift of time this week and simply go for a walk.

Go alone and experience it as a walking meditation and an opportunity to create a meeting place for you and your soul.

Listen carefully for the guidance and clarity you are searching for and set an intention to follow through with any new insights you discover. Enjoy the feeling of relief that sweeps through you when you are once again perfectly aligned with your authentic self.


Author's Bio: 

© 2009 Linda Storey

See Linda's website Soul Plan For Prosperity

Feel free to use the information contained in this article, in whole or in-part, in an email newsletter, on your website or share it with others, as long as you include the following with a live website link and email me to let me know where the article will appear: Linda Storey is the founder of Soul Plan For Prosperity and a Professional Coach. She works with spiritually based women entrepreneurs who want to value themselves, fall in love with their business again and be paid what they're worth. To read more about Linda, her individual coaching or her group coaching programs, please visit her website, Soul Plan For Prosperity.