One of the byproducts of the act of sabotage is the state of shock that is created. When a person has high dreams and aspirations in an area and an act of sabotage occurs, the resultant explosion and implosion also causes a state of shock; the being gets trapped into that shock position of the incident. This immobilizes the being into a numbness, an unfeeling, uncaring, unable to observe state.

Consequently, the being has to rely on others to perceive and decide for him, and tell him what to think and how to act. He becomes ROBOTIC to the areas or persons who are connected to the exploded dreams and aspirations.


SHOCK: n. 1. A violent collision or impact; heavy blow. 2a. Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent, unexpected blow. b. The disturbance of function, equilibrium, or mental faculties caused by such a blow; violent agitation. 3. A severe offense to one's sense of propriety or decency; an outrage. 4. (Pathology) A generally temporary state of massive physiological reaction to bodily trauma, usually characterized by marked loss of blood pressure and the depression of vital processes. 5. The sensation and muscular spasm caused by an electric current passing through the body or through a bodily part. -v. shocked, shocking, shocks. -tr. 1. To strike with great surprise and agitation. 2. To strike with disgust; offend; 3. To induce a state of shock in (a person). 4. To subject (an animal or person) to an electric shock. -intr. To come into contact violently, as in battle; collide. [Old French "choc," from "choquer," to strike (with fear).] The American Heritage Dictionary


Further byproducts of shock are emotional shut-offs. The person becomes numb and unfeeling. Worse, they cannot experience fun, joy, and happiness, and have very little laughter in their lives. They are stuck below masked rage on the mood scale.

As you can observe, it would be impossible for any processing or therapy to work properly until those areas of shock are handled.

What also takes place is that the "exact act of sabotage" is obscured and cannot be handled.

It is the numbness that another being is stuck in that causes people who are active and able to become enraged at the seemingly uncaring, irresponsible, and self-destructive behavior that the "shock case" is manifesting.

The good news is that it is relatively easy to handle; the bad news is that the "shock case" has trouble arriving to get themselves handled.

We all have areas of our lives where we suffer from this shock syndrome. Those areas are manifested by procrastination and an inability to originate anything new.

The SPIRIT-PERCEIVE-INTEND-ENVISION-PLAN-IMPLEMENT-RESULT procedures are a phenomenal asset for handling this condition. Coupled with the Life Realignment Sequence and Paradigm Crash Handling procedures, one can recover a fully feeling, operating, and very able person quickly.

There is an interesting phenomena when someone breaks free from a "shock incident." They find themselves experiencing an incredible rush of low-level emotions, then a sudden outburst of rage, followed by a sense of depression, and then a soaring of the spirit. What has happened is that the person is no longer stuck in the past, but has traveled from the stuck shock point, through all the life and living, from that shock time forward, until they arrive in the present.

The changes that take place in the upscaling of the person are quite remarkable. Laughter returns, the future looks exciting, and they see opportunity where they once saw doom and gloom. Usually, their income begins to climb tremendously and suddenly, and they receive rapid promotions.

What has happened is that they have become bigger, and thus, they are capable of being more effective, being in a higher mood level and playing a better game.

22 May 1988 Revised 28 December 1994
Copyright Ó 1988, 1994
Alan C. Walter

Shock Handling process at

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