Is it really possible for you to accomplish more success and create more wealth in the next twelve months than in the previous twelve years?
The answer is...YES!
There comes at least one time in every entrepreneur's life when the planets align and you attract more opportunity, cooperation and resources. You can accomplish more and acquire more wealth in just twelve months than in the previous twelve years.
I labeled this as the "Phenomenon."
And, you can experience the "Phenomenon" whether you are:
- Small business owner or self-employed professional who is working too hard, ending days and weeks exhausted to make a living. You are worrying about where your next customers are coming from.
- Owner, President or an executive of a mid-sized company frustrated with slow business growth, tough and "cheap price" competition. You are wondering where your big business breakthrough might come from.
- Stuck in unfulfilling jobs, eager to own your own business, find new opportunities, go from "9 to 5" to "MY OWN BOSS" and do something interesting and exciting.
But in order to achieve more wealth in the next 12 months than in the previous 12 years, you need to discover how to effectively use my 5 success and wealth creation secrets. I've uncovered these secrets after observing very closely over one hundred truly successful "from scratch entrepreneurs."
I didn't just observe them like a visitor in the zoo. I got in the cage and in the monkey dung with them. We've worked together closely and intensely. We found opportunities. Solved problems. And dealt with everything.
Now I'm ready to share with you my top five secret triggers you need to experience the "Phenomenon."
5 Wealth Creation Secret Triggers That Will Help You Achieve More in the Next 12 Months:
1. Radically change your pre-conceived and ingrained beliefs about:
- Your own limitations
- Fast versus slow
- Money
For example, National Mortgage Expert Brian Sacks plodded along slowly working long, hard days and weekends. He made a good living. But, then his son was diagnosed with dyslexia. And, tuition for a special school is $23,000 per year. Brian knew if he wanted to maintain his lifestyle he had to change his business thinking fast. So, in just 12 months, he multiplied his income by 800%, went from a local to a national multi-million dollar business and spends more time with his family on vacations then he did before.
2. Create an appropriate business vehicle that:
- Matches your talents, abilities, know how and interests.
- Drives markets
- Provides the fortune you want.
That's how Ryan Lee went from being a poorly paid gym teacher to a famous health and fitness celebrity with a million dollar "automatic pilot business."
3. Understand and apply direct marketing and direct response marketing strategies.
Alexandria Brown – The Ezine Queen remembers standing at the ATM machine crying because she could not withdraw twenty dollars to join friends for drinks. By learning and using direct response marketing principles effectively she is now able to watch the sunset from the balcony of her million-dollar beach house. In the last twelve months, she made more than one million dollars working from home on her chosen schedule.
This proves that reaching the Phenomenon is NOT linked to long, hard hours or sacrifice. And, it's definitely NOT linked to slow, traditional advertising and marketing. If you want to achieve more in the next twelve months than the previous twelve years then you want speed. As Jack Welch, one of the most celebrated CEOs of our time, and author of the book "Winning" said, "Speed is imperative in business today."
4. Associate yourself with top teachers, guides, mentors and coaches who substitute their own experience and blueprints for your slow trial-and-error experimentation.
By becoming a member in my premier Platinum Mastermind Group, and associating himself with top experts, Martial Arts Expert Lloyd Irvin went from the mean streets in Brooklyn to owning five booming businesses in just twelve months. He's even made as much as $100,000 in a single day and is now a multi-millionaire.
5. Take action on your ideas and intentions.
At age 26, Yanik Silver was awakened in the middle of the night with a brilliant e-commerce idea. Unlike many entrepreneurs, he actually acted upon his idea and created instant sales letter templates. In just the first twelve months, Yanik made $300,000. He's gone on to develop a multi-million dollar Internet Business Empire.
Now, that you have learned some of my wealth building secrets, the question is:
What will you accomplish in your life in the next 12 months?
It's up to you. The next twelve months start right now!
Legendary advisor to ultra-successful entrepreneurs and Creator of "The Phenomenon," Dan Kennedy helps thousands of entrepreneurs and business professionals attract more opportunity, erase more obstacles, create more wealth, and achieve more goals in just 12 months. Now you can discover how to speed up the creation of your success, wealth and independence with this FREE Phenomenon Video Sneak Preview at:
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