So, you want to be a MONEY MAGNET, right?

Most people are just the opposite. They are CRAP Magnets. They keep REPELLING money and attracting more and more financial lack, difficulties and limitations into their lives.

Is there some technique or method that can be applied to stop being such a CRAP Magnet and become a Money Magnet?

The answer is YES.

In order to understand how the technique works, it is necessary to review briefly the Law of Belief. This is the Law of Life. "Whatever you deeply believe, you attract into your life", "What you deeply believe is what you get", "What you deeply believe, you will materialize in your life", "It is done unto you as you believe".

There are many people and authors, lectures and teachers who make constant reference to a certain Law of Attraction.

These same people keep insisting that, due to the Law of Attraction, you get what you PREDOMINANTLY think about and PREDOMINANTLY focus on all day long.

What most of them do NOT do is make the CONNECTION between the Law of Attraction and BELIEFS. And they pass this crucial MISTAKE to you.

And this is definitely a CRUCIAL mistake because you don't think about and you don't focus on financial lack and limitation in the vacuum or just because you decided to do it. You DO it because there is SOMETHING in you which is CAUSING you to AUTOMATICALLY think that way and focus on financial lack and limitation.

If they did, they would come to the conclusion that there is ONLY the Law of Belief because "what you think about and predominantly focus all day long" depends EXCLUSIVELY on the beliefs you have.


You think about and focus on your lack of money all day long, not because of any Law of Attraction, but because you have some hidden, limiting beliefs such as "I cannot afford it", "It is real hard for me to make money", "I was born to be poor, that is my lot in life".

Those limiting beliefs CAUSE you to think about and focus on lack of money and financial struggles, which CAUSES you, through the Law of Belief, to attract MORE and MORE lack of money and financial struggles.

Eliminate those limiting, restrictive beliefs and replace them with positive, empowering, supportive beliefs such as "It is real easy for me to make money", "I deserve to be rich", "I was born to be rich", "It is easy for me to get rich", "I think like a rich person", "I think like a multimillionaire" and similar positive beliefs, and you will AUTOMATICALLY stop thinking about and focusing on financial lack and limitations, and you will AUTOMATICALLY start thinking about and focusing on abundance, wealth, riches, prosperity and ways to make them happen into your life.

Limited, poor BELIEFS make you AUTOMATICALLY think like a POOR person. And the Law of Belief will attract to you what every person who believes in poverty is attracting: MORE poverty.

Positive, empowering, rich BELIEFS make you think AUTOMATICALLY like a RICH person. And the Law of Belief will attract to you what every person who believes in wealth and riches is attracting: MORE wealth and riches.

Therefore, to change what you are attracting, you must ALWAYS START by changing your beliefs about YOU and MONEY. And that means that you must FIRST identify the limiting beliefs and then proceed to REPLACE them with BETTER, MORE useful beliefs, beliefs that will help you attract more money and not repel it.

Becoming a Money Magnet is simply a matter of changing your BELIEFS about YOU and MONEY. And also a matter of replacing 'Law of Attraction' with "Law of Belief" every time someone makes a reference to such Law of Attraction. by doing this, you will begin to really understand that your BELIEFS are the cause of what you attract (through the Lqw of Belief) and that unless you do not replace your bad, useless, limiting beliefs you will be stuck attracting the same old 'garbage' into your life .(Refer to my other articles explaining in detail how the Law of Belief, commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction, really works).

The method used to become a Money Magnet is simple;

1. Start by identifying all the limiting beliefs that are causing you to believe you are NOT a Money Magnet and that you are a CRAP Magnet instead. Make a LIST of all the possible limiting beliefs you can uncover.

2. Proceed to ELIMINATE every single limiting belief in your LIST. There are many ways to do that. It is not possible to cover them In this short article.

3. REPLACE those beliefs with beliefs that are just the opposite. Example: "It is real easy for me to make money" in place of "it is real hard for me to make money", "I was born to be rich" in place of "I was born to be poor", "I can afford everything I ant" in place of "I cannot afford it", and so on.

There are certain types of beliefs, also known as VALUES, which must also be identified and replaced. Example of very limiting, negative value-beliefs are "It is better to give than to receive", "I'd rather be honest that rich", "There are other things more important that money", "Money isn't everything", "Money is not that important to me", and so on. Those value-beliefs give MORE weight, MORE value to other things but NOT to money.

4. Study the lives and the way of thinking of very rich people. Figure out and make a LIST of those beliefs/values they must possess in order to think the way they do. And start incorporating them into your thinking so you can start thinking like a rich person..

5. Keep programming into your mind all those beliefs (from number 3 and 4 above) until they become part of your Subconscious mentality -- at which time you will automatically start thinking like a rich person.

6. Master self-hypnosis to make the re-programming easier and faster.

7. Use your Self-Talk to ZAP from your mind any limiting belief as soon s they cross your mind. (Refer to my other articles on this subject).

8. To help you make the changes faster and permanent, use some recording with positive messages (the new beliefs you want to incorporate into your normal, every day, automatic thinking). Play that recording all day long as you perform other tasks.

In order to help you, visit our website and download the FREE "Money Magnet" mp3 audio recording with about 32 minutes of positive programming that will help you change the way you thing about money. All you need to do is to listen to this recording in the background as you perform other tasks.


Leo Foster.
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Author's Bio: 

Leo Foster is in a mission to make the process of being a Millionaire
both EASY and FUN. You may contact him at Millionaire Mind Secrets, Make Money Fast, Get Rich, Be a Millionaire --
There you will find the BEST and FASTEST techniques and tools available, including the "Millionaire Mind Reprogramming Course", so that you can EASILY DOWNLOAD that 'Millionaire Mind' into your Subconscious, and AUTOMATICALLY start to believe, think, behave and achieve like the multimillionaires. Download your FREE "Money Magnet" mp3 audio.