Self Improvement and the Importance of Listening Skills

Effective listening is almost certainly the most important communication skill, and essential to anyone serious about Self Improvement.

Some people envy those who have the ‘gift of the gab’ and always seem to be the centre of attention. However, this does not mean that good talkers are good communicators; in fact they are often just the opposite.

When engaged in conversation, it is very easy to pay little attention to what the other person is actually saying. We can become easily distracted by countless other thoughts and things happening around us, or thinking about what we are going to say next.

Like most skills, we can learn to communicate and listen better if we really want to, and there are many Communication Experts available who can help. Despite what many people may think, good communication is not all about concentrating on getting across our own points of view and opinions. It has been said that we were given two ears and one mouth for good reason.

The most basic - and important - communication skills are the ability to listen impartially, to try to absorb the essence of what the other person is saying, and to really understand their point of view. These are the skills that will make us better communicators, better friends and partners, and certainly help our overall happiness and success.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

“A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.” - Wilson Mizner

Author's Bio: 

Garry Zancanaro is the founder of Self Improvement Directory, a website dedicated to Self Improvement and Personal Development, and to helping people live more successful and fulfilling lives by providing a directory of the highest quality Self Growth resources available! Includes many FREE eBooks and much more. Visit