A lot of spiritually oriented coaches, consultants and healers struggle with how to handle some of the messier money situations that often crop up in their businesses.
Situations such as how to handle refunds, product returns, guarantees or late payments can cause stress and eat up a lot of your precious energy, trying to figure out what to do.
Since my business model includes offering multiple streams of income and a fairly high sales volume I had to learn the hard way how to handle many of these uncomfortable situations.
Beyond just the mechanics of knowing what to do, you must also understand what the energy is BEHIND each of these situations. Once I figured that out, I was able to let go of any distress and instead, take an approach that keeps my energy and vibration high, positive and stress-free.
Since it’s likely that you too, will be faced with one of these situations, let me share with you three simple secrets that will help you keep your energy “clean” while still handling each situation like the savvy business woman I know you are!
Tip #1 Honor Your Own Purchase Decisions
Sure, we all get swept up into the excitement of making a purchase at an event or online, only to regret it later. But is that a good reason to return the product or ask for a refund? Sorry gals, the answer is no.
Typically, the decision to request a refund is often made because fear sets in. Investing in a program or product means you desire making a leap forward but there’s a part of you that’s scared you-know-what. That’s the part that’s telling you to get out of the purchase, fast.
But if you cave in to that domineering, fear part of your brain, you’re not only playing small you’re also not honoring a commitment you made to the person who produced the product or service you originally purchased.
Instead of asking for a refund, ask yourself what support you need to be successful implementing what you invested in!
Tip #2 Don’t Take A Refund Request Or Product Return Personally
Hey, I know you poured your heart into making your product or service, so it’s natural to say, “Ouch” when someone returns it. But the truth is, their decision has nothing to do with you! I look at it as a signal of where they are in their own personal development path.
Hey, I know you poured your heart into making your product or service, so it’s natural to say, “Ouch” when someone returns it. But the truth is, their decision has nothing to do with you! I look at it as a signal of where they are in their own personal development path.
Which leads me to…
Tip #3 Stay Focused On The Highest And Greatest Good Of Your Client
I admit, I used to grumble when a client wanted to bale out of a program or return a product. Now I look at it as an opportunity for a breakthrough for them. By taking this perspective I’m able to stay resourceful and focused on helping them make a wise decision.
Since very often, their initial decision is based on fear or doubt, all your client needs is a bit of coaching to see how quitting or returning something will just keep them stuck where they are. Reminding them that how they do one thing is how they do everything will often help them step into a powerful place…and save the sale.
Returns Are A Part Of Business — How You Handle Them Is A Part Of Your Spiritual Business Plan
Remember that money is energy and energy loves clarity. So if you look at how you handle these messy money situations as an opportunity to create boundaries and straight-forward communication with your clients, you’ll find that not only do YOU grow in your strength, confidence and clarity, but your business grows as well!
Would you like to learn more simple ways entrepreneurs can brand, package and price their services to quickly move away from 'dollars-for-hours work' and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses? Check out my web site, KendallSummerHawk.com, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free audio mini-seminar "7 Simple Steps to Create Your Multiple Streams of In-come "Money and Soul" Business.
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