When I’m asked about the one thing I did to leap my business from frustrating five figures to over a million dollars in just three short years, my answer is always, “I joined a Master Mind!”

Reason is, before I was in a Master Mind I let myself get bogged down with the details of running my business, I didn’t have any accountability which made it easy to let myself slide on deadlines, and I often found myself caught in a cycle of self-doubt or confusion because I didn’t have an outside perspective.

Turns out, my experience is not uncommon. As women entrepreneurs, when we’re working by ourselves, from home, it’s easy to feel busy without actually making progress. Or to get distracted with laundry, Twitter or answering email even though those aren’t the tasks that will help us leap our business forward.

Now, I can credit being in the right Master Mind with my most successful program and product launches, plus with helping me leap ahead emotionally into the type of business woman I always dreamed of being.

But, here’s the rub, lots of people talk about the value of Master Minds but joining the wrong Master Mind can be a disappointing mistake.

To reap the benefits of being in a Master Mind, and avoid common mistakes, here are five insider’s secrets that will help you choose the right Master Mind, even if you’re on a budget.

Master Mind Tip #1: Forget Bartering

Here’s why: there’s no way you’ll take yourself seriously or get the high quality help you need if you’re not willing to invest in yourself. Trying to barter Master Mind support typically attracts others who are at your same level (or lower), which won’t help you leap forward, thus costing you tons of time, energy and wasted opportunity.

While I could get on quite a rant about bartering, let me just say here that bartering denies a basic principle of money, which is that money needs to flow. The energy of bartering is of lack and limitation. Instead, when you step up and invest in expert help you open yourself up to the ideas and input of the Master Mind group, as well as taking action faster, easier and with greater confidence.

Master Mind Tip #2: Choose A Mentor Who’s Accomplished What YOU Want

There are many great mentors available these days, making it even more important that you chose the person who’s experienced in areas you want specific help with.

For example, in my Master Mind programs members receive specific mentoring on how to turn one idea into multiple streams of income, how to streamline their business, hire the right team and launch their business online. Knowing that I’ve already created a seven-figure business due to expertise in these areas gives them peace of mind and assurance they’re making the right choice.

Master Mind Tip #3: Be Mindful Of What Happens Behind The Scenes

A colleague of mine, currently in a Master Mind program, is reporting back chaotic scheduling, uncertain program benefits, even unclarity as to who else is in the group with her! All of this speaks to the lack of organization of the Master Mind leader.

While the start of any Master Mind program can often have a few hiccups, when choosing a program be sure to first get a sense of how well the mentor’s business is organized and run so that you don’t find yourself in for any unpleasant surprises.

Master Mind Tip #4: How Much You Should Budget

I’ve always invested more than I thought I could afford in a Master Mind program and it’s always paid off multiple times over. By investing more I stopped making excuses or procrastinating. Instead, I got into action, implemented and as a result, increased my business by over 10 times in just the past three years.

Was it scary to commit to such a large investment each time? Yes! But I’ve never regretted it, and, somehow, each time I found the money. The way I look at it is this:
If I make this investment, will it help me make at least 3x as much in return?
If the answer is an instant “Yes!” That’s how you know it’s the right program.

Master Mind Tip #5: Be Ready For Powerful Emotional Shifts At Your Soul Level

When you step up and join a professionally run Master Mind program you’ll instantly find yourself experiencing major emotional and spiritual shifts. Everything from fear, excitement, doubt and confidence will flow through you like an electric current.

Keep this in mind: The fear and doubt are the old you, fighting to maintain control. The excitement and confidence are the new you, ready and eager to be given a chance to expand. What’s cool is that the new you are the feelings that will stick with you for the rest of your life, leaving you more authentically and more powerfully you.

The Question Isn’t Whether Or Not To BE In A Master Mind, But Which ONE You’ll Choose…

Imagine this, one-year from now you’re celebrating having launched new products and programs, having broken through barriers of fear or doubt and having increased your income. Pretty awesome vision, isn’t it?

A Master Mind program makes this possible for you. So, chose one that’s right for you and get ready to experience a real miracle happening for you in your life and your business.

Author's Bio: 

Kendall SummerHawk, the Million Dollar Marketing Coach, is an expert at helping women entrepreneurs at all levels design a business they love and charge what they're worth and get it. Kendall delivers simple ways entrepreneurs can design and price their services to quickly move away from 'dollars-for-hours work' and create more money, time, and freedom in their business. For free articles, free resources and to sign up for a free subscription to Kendall's Money, Marketing and Soul weekly articles visit www.kendallsummerhawk.com.