Whenever you embark on a project, relationship, action, etc.., first ask yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10, what is my level of commitment to the success of this project, relationship, action, etc.? If the answer is less than level 10 commitment, you simply aren’t committed enough to success to make getting started worthwhile. That doesn’t mean that your plan isn’t viable and isn’t a great idea, it simply means you aren’t ready YET to get started. What do you do? Say, for example, that you’ve assessed your current level of commitment as a 7. Ask yourself, what do you need to do/have/believe in order to raise that 7 to a 10 (or you can go from 7 to 8, from 8 to 9 and then from 9 to 10). Keep doing what you need to do to get your commitment level up to 10 even if it’s simply to sit with the idea for a while without taking any interim action. If you can’t get to 10, ask yourself why you thought you wanted this project, relationship, etc. Perhaps you only think you “should” do this to succeed but it isn’t the right thing for you or now is not the right time.

Getting to level 10 commitment and knowing why you are there is your conscious decision to act. It is your decision to drop any and all excuses and do what it takes to succeed.

Don’t skip over this part and jump straight into working on the project. Many people jump straight into action without sufficient commitment and end up spinning their wheels and wondering what went wrong. You want all of your actions to be inspired, taking the time to get to level 10 commitment results in inspired actions which result in success.

To cement your level 10 commitment, write out the following statement and read it aloud and/or post it where you will see and read it often:

“I, [Your Name], commit to myself today, [Date], that I’m taking action and doing what it takes to _______[Your Project]_____________ in a joyful and effortless manner.”

Remember, this is your commitment. You don’t need to know how you are going to succeed yet, just that you are committed to yourself and your success and that there are no longer any excuses – not enough time, don’t know how, afraid you can’t do it, afraid your dream is too big, etc.

Start with your total commitment to success and the rest will fall into place for you.

Author's Bio: 

© 2009 Ruth Hegarty

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To learn more about Ruth's group or one-on-one coaching programs and to get her free Confidence Building e-book for women, please visit her website at Leap of Confidence.