The best way to cut the risk of attack is by taking sensible precautions as part of your everyday lifestyle..
My Awareness workshops ingrain these precautions and give you the self confidence to protect yourselves, and also work incredibly effectively within the corporate world as team building events as well as boosting team morale!
If all this sounds as though it would be beneficial to you, then you’re in luck!
Over the next few days I will be giving you my top ten safety tips and by the time we’re finished you will be feeling more self confident than ever before as I’m all about teaching safety through “awareness” and not getting into that situation in the first place but I will show you how to use some very effective and funky moves should the need arise to buy yourself those precious few seconds and getting to a place of safety.
It’s all about recognising the “signs” and being aware of the “signals” that you might be “subconsciously” putting out there without even realising you’re doing it.
With so much “sensationalised” media coverage nowadays concerning “street crime” and particular “teenage knife culture” and attacks against individuals, it’s no surprise that there is a certain amount of justified fear and paranoia surrounding personal safety.
The truth is that violent crime against individuals are indeed very rare but there is a real fear that you or one of your loved one’s will be attacked and the way to “combat” this fear is by taking sensible and commonsense precautions that most people already do almost without realising it and making them ingrained as part of your everyday life, it’s just something that you do automatically.
Being sensible and taking precautions doesn’t have to equate to paranoia!
Best wishes,
Garth Delikan
The Lifestyle Guy – Personal Empowerment Coach
Garth FK Delikan
When a person is stressed it could impact on their health and lifestyle in several ways. Nutrition, weight management and if you don’t feel good about yourself there could be a fear around personal safety. The key factor to gain control of self confidence centres around stress management.
When I first started out along this path, many years ago, the concept of The Lifestyle Guy came to mind... I, and perhaps you, like many people over the years who go through significant personal change, are given a second chance to begin life again - but this time by new rules.
Lifestyle is a great word because it encompasses so many concepts, but to my mind, it means the ability to change what you want in your life, whether personal or professional, by taking control of your own emotions and your own destiny!
When a person is stressed it could impact on their health and lifestyle in several ways. Nutrition, weight management and if you don’t feel good about yourself there could be a fear around personal safety. The key factor to gain control of self confidence centres around stress management.
Garth Delikan The Lifestyle Guy - Personal Empowerment Coach
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