It is often said that offline MLM business lead generation tactics are "old school". Well, sadly in many cases, this may very well be the case as the methods taught by your upline are those from yesteryear. Many are stuck in their old ways, coaching their new distributors in marketing methods that no longer yield profitable results. But, with that said, there are some "old school" marketing methods that generate very effective and cheap MLM leads, when tweaked for modern times.

To be more specific, drop cards can be a powerful way to attract responsive MLM business leads when done with these techniques. Furthermore, drop cards can be fun and easily implemented by your downline too.

Countless times over, it has been shown that one of the most compelling drop card designs to magnetize the best MLM lead is the $100 bill. When you understand the tactics listed below you will get the picture as to why this design gets the best results.


1. Credit card slots - place a drop card in the credit card slots of various machines where payments are completed e.g gas pumps, ATM's etc. People will need to get rid of your drop card in order to use their credit card. They will either read and hold on to the card or throw it on the ground. Given that it's $100 bill, someone will pick it up. This tactic goes viral very quickly and can generate the best MLM leads.

2. Leverage junk mail - place your drop card in the "reply paid" envelop of the junk mail you obtain and mail it back. Typically this mail is received by mail room workers who are very keen to improve their lifestyle.

3. Newspaper stands - pay for your newspaper and when the stand is open put a drop card in every newspaper inside. It works like a dream.

4. "Sky Mall" airline magazine - put a couple of your cards throughout this magazine. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the quality of MLM business lead you will get.

5. Bookstores - insert drop cards inside marketing, motivational, business and personal development books at your community bookstore.

6. Capitalize on the hospitality industry - when giving a tip for your housekeeper at a hotel place your drop card together with a hand written message indicating that you have an opportunity they could be interested in to better their lifestyle.

7. Waitresses - this method is similar to the one above. Waiters and waitresses come into contact with people everyday and are well suited to the network marketing industry. However, you need to provide a sufficient tip for this approach to be valuable.

This offline tactic might call for you to get out of your comfort zone, but it's worth the effort. Make this process a component of your MLM business lead generation strategy and establish a habit by captivating every opportunity during your day to day behavior to drop a card. Keep in mind this marketing tactic results in cheap MLM leads and thus the other bonus is that your downline can duplicate you when getting started without the need for a large marketing budget. It's not what you can do, but what your team can duplicate. This is the intensity of leverage.

Author's Bio: 

Discover a secret method that pumps targeted MLM business leads to your website within 30 minutes using FREE Google tools. It's a no-brainer.

Carla Baldock specializes in fast-tracking the success of home business entrepreneurs by providing effective marketing strategies, tools and resources that assists them in generating consistent home business leads necessary to grow their business.