Network marketing is no different to any other business when it comes to getting your business off its feet. However, 97% fail in the industry as a result of 4 major elements: inability to develop a MLM lead list due to a lack of home business leads, a lack of downline duplication, a lack of training and an effective MLM marketing system and a lack of money.

Let's consider the last reason. Many entrepreneurs entering the industry are new to business and self-employment. They don’t fully understand what it takes to achieve success in business. Not only does one need the correct mindset, dedication and resilience, but also the resources to fund home business lead generation marketing and other expenses initially.

Most new comers only take into account the preliminary start up costs and forget about the monthly costs e.g. advertising, transport, auto-ship, events, business provisions and inventory.

In a conventional business, one probably finances the business with a bank loan. In network marketing, it's mostly funded by borrowing from yourself (on a credit card or savings). As a result, you get into a distressed state which causes product-selling instead of solution-offering to grow your MLM lead list. The small commission you begin to earn goes to paying back your advance and you don’t believe you are moving forward. Because of this many network marketers give up within 63 days.

The answer to this situation is a funded-proposal MLM marketing system and sales funnel. A funded-proposal sales funnel enables you to leverage the benefits of an affiliate funnel which cleverly presents related products to your home business leads during your discussions. This provides an opportunity to subsidize your expenses and marketing activities from the commission received, allowing you to achieve profitability quicker. Furthermore, you need to duplicate this MLM marketing system in your downline to support them in developing their MLM lead list and remain in business, making everybody more successful.

The outcome is the money you earn from your main company is accessible to enhance your lifestyle and not to diminish your loan or subsidize your monthly expenses.

The Potential of Funded-Proposal MLM Marketing Systems

• Runs on auto-pilot
• Reach profit quicker
• Earn annuity income
• A good number are free to enroll
• Create capital to recover monthly expenses
• Brand you as a knowledgeable advisor
• Improves downline retention
• Offer complementary products to your home business leads
• Frees up your company earnings to improve your lifestyle

Actually if leveraged properly a funded-proposal MLM marketing system can provide an extra income. Contemplate for one moment what you would do with an extra few hundred or even thousands of dollars every month. Reduce your monetary stress, go on vacation, reduce your mortgage, settle your debt…?

By adopting a funded-proposal MLM marketing system in your home business lead generation process you can become full-time in the industry within a few months. The industry leading MLM marketing system provides a completely integrated process with in excess of 20 multiple income streams to profit from when building your MLM lead list.

Integrating an effective autopilot MLM marketing system into your home business lead generation process will have an incredible effect on improving your business and profits. It’s time to realize that the home business lead generation methods of the past are no longer successful. To advance your business to superior levels of success you ought to follow the trends of today.

Author's Bio: 

Carla Baldock specializes in teaching motivated entrepreneurs the secrets to achieving success in network marketing by sharing home business lead generation training and effective MLM marketing systems.