I've noticed that there are many people who feel they lack sufficient money to be completely happy. However, while wanting money, they frequently think about not having enough money and how that lack prevents them from having, doing or being what they want. Yet, their very thoughts about lack prevent them from moving toward financial abundance.

A paradox for sure: want more money, don't have enough money, can't have enough money until they don't need money . . . a no win deal because every time they notice that they don’t have enough money, they resonate with lack instead of having. So, they do a focus wheel, visualization, meditation or some other ritual around having money, and for awhile they do resonate with having money. That is, until the next bill or expense or purchase they want shows up, which reminds them that they don’t have enough money, so they flip back to resonating with lack.

They can never get to the place of having more money while thinking about not having enough money. Thoughts of financial abundance must be held consistently (not wavering back and forth between abundance and lack), and they must believe (trust) that all is well no matter what. Although for many, I understand that this is easier said than done.

So how can they consistently resonate (hold their tone) with financial abundance when the current reality of their lives says otherwise? For me, I've found that the first step was simply to stop thinking about what I don't have and to make a list of all that I do have. At the end of most days, I review all that I have accomplished and all good things that have happened, no matter how miniscule. That keeps my focus on abundance, which begets more abundance (thought expands).

The next step is that once I think about something I want, I let it go completely. That means that I don't think about how I am going to get it, when it's going to come or wonder why it hasn't come yet, all of which would flip me back into lack and doubt. I trust that my Big U will guide me to do whatever is necessary on my part and that all that I want will come when it is time to come. Sometimes my desires will attract stuff that is sorta what I asked for, but not exactly, so I will throw it back, spend some time fine-tuning my request, then resend it. And sometimes I can tell when I am not resonating in harmony with having what I want, which is the cause of its delay. But I never doubt that my desires will come to pass eventually, when my thoughts and feelings are aligned with having them.

Next, I trust that my Big U will provide all that I desire when it is needed. This was a big shift for me because I used to think that I had to have it weeks or months before I needed it, then would worry that it wouldn't come on time (fear-worry-doubt). Of course, I had no evidence to support this fear-worry-doubt, because I have always been provided for when I needed it, even when I didn't have a clue who would provide it or how it would come. Now, I stop worrying about the future, staying focused on my now, and in my now I have plenty of abundance. That's not to say that I don't want more abundance, financial and otherwise, but my abundance continually expands as I focus more and more on the abundance I already have in my life.

The last thing is that I spend all my time focused only on what I love to do and what I am inspired to do (although I can’t think of when I’m inspired to do something I don’t love). In each moment I am mindful of whether I am flowing or struggling with what is before me. If I sense that I am struggling, bored or stalled, I stop working on that project and find something else that feels better. If I can’t find something else that feels better, then I know that I am experiencing a thought or belief block, and will step back to ponder my current state of mind. My blocked state lasts only as long as it takes me to recognize which aspect of my thinking has caused the block.

In this way, regardless of my financial state, I always do and be exactly what I want and what feels good. To me, feeling good is the goal, not having more money. So, whether or not I am able to buy something, has no bearing on my ability to feel good. As I release my need to have more money before I can feel happy, I’ve freed up my energy toward having money, which has allowed money to always show up exactly when I want it.

Author's Bio: 

Carol James is a visionary, writer, teacher, coach, mentor and founder of Inspired Living http://www.inspiredinside.com, which develops innovative programs to enhance personal, professional and organizational effectiveness. She publishes the Inspired Lifestyles Newsletter and co-authored the
Transformative Thinking: Your Road to Self-Empowerment book series.