The Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law - A ton of books and seminars have been sold reference the Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law with a complicated - superstitious teaching on how to accomplish the Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law.

The Phrase Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law has been misnamed. The proper name is the Law of Solutions. The phrase Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law suggest that once learned no further effort is required.

Recognize that God has provided for Man in that both your body and brain were designed to please you, and will go to great lengths to do so.

It is for this reason that the phrase “God help those who help themselves” and “Opportunity goes to he who is prepared”, does not refer to the Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law but to the law of Solutions which requires effort on your part.

Pretend you are God. As God you wish to provide a brain that can provide solutions for Man. This brain must function over vast periods of time, including very different tribes with different environments, thus different customs - morality.

Therefore this specialized aspect of your brain whose job it is to provide solutions cannot have any knowledge of morality – customs.

This specialized aspect of your brain provides solutions to your desires on a regular basis already, except that you did not recognize that these thoughts were the result of that specialized aspect of your brain whose only function is to please you.

An example would be that you are in a candy store and see a candy that you would like to have but you feel that you do not wish to buy it. You receive a thought to take it without paying. This act would be immoral, but remember this specialized aspect of your brain has no understanding of the concept of morality, its only job is to provide you with possible solutions to your problems. Therefore it is up to your consciousness – you, that which is in control, to determine if the possible solution to your problem that you have received is acceptable or unacceptable. Even suicide is a possible solution, but has problems – Read the Sermon on “Suicide”.

Never complain that a possible solution that this specialized aspect of your brain has provided is immoral, as it has no understanding of morality. Only you - your conscious mind understands morality, therefore it is up to you to determine if the possible solution is acceptable and acted upon or rejected.

When you work (not wish) for a event to occur, then this specialized aspect of your brain will be forever looking and reasoning to provide possible solutions to your problem. Therefore when this specialized aspect of your brain reasons or recognizes a possible solution that could make it possible for you to solve your problem, this aspect of your brain will provide you with that thought. This specialized aspect of your brain works non-stop.

I would study the night before an exam until ready to sleep and get up early and go over the material and pass the exam. This specialized aspect of my brain continued to study all night long because this specialized aspect of my brain knew I wanted to pass the exam as I studied (worked to that end) until sleep. Therefore to please me it studied all night while I slept.

When writing a Sermon I may have problems, I just tuck it away and at some time when my mind is not very busy a possible solution will present itself, without fail.

In short, think about what you want to accomplish, work (not wish) to that end, this impresses that specialized aspect of your brain to provide possible solutions until you are satisfied. This process has nothing to do with the Law of Attraction – Universal Attraction Law, but the design of your brain.

The phrase - Law of Attraction - Universal Attraction Law are merely phrases that encourage you to spend money to learn or invoke superstition for their profit.

I used this specialized aspect of my brain to retire early, however subsequent events required me to return to work.

Recognize the more you use this aspect of your brain the better it will work. People who do this are frequently called creative. Even writing this Sermon, this specialized aspect of my brain has interjected many times to improve this Sermon.

Author's Bio: 

I find my world unacceptable. Therefore I write.

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