If you want to improve the results of your solo ads advertising campaigns, then try to understand the reasons that make the readers click quickly on that button hated by all email marketers: DELETE. The purpose of this article is to help you discover such reasons ...

During the last hours I've checked the folder Trash of the email account where I receive the ezines I'm subscribed to. Below you will find the top subject lines that made me delete the solo ads without reading their ad copy. You will also find the reasons why I deleted these emails ...

Let's start ...

Wanna See A Brand New System That Makes $576,000+ per Year? - If the system is brand new, then that amount is just an ASSUMPTION. By the way, I don't know the rules & laws in other countries, but in USA this is misleading advertising and is not allowed.

This has NEVER failed! - There is nothing perfect and a system (or whatever it is) that never failed ... doesn't exist (or it's so new that no one really knows whether it works or not). I don't like liars ...

$0 to $15,000 per Month FAST, Even If You're Broke... - What bank do I have to rob?

Did You Want Fries With That? - Huh? Was this supposed to make me curious? You didn't succeed. I only wondered what do you want too from me ...

... MILLIONAIRE in 12 months? - Suuure. I wonder why those "millionaires" always buy the cheapest ads? I guess they cannot afford more, or ... maybe not even they believe their hypes...

You can try this for $4.95 - Am I supposed to open this email just because you sell something cheap?

I want You in my team - You're not alone! But why should I care what do YOU want? No one cares about ME?

100% OFFLINE Marketing System! - Hey, I'm online and I don't want to move from here. Anyway, are you a kind of genius and you discovered something new related to traditional (offline) marketing?

There's A New Boss in Town! - Wow! Everyone runs away of their boss and do you expect me to read your sad news about a new boss?

Oh my Gosh... 6 Signups In One Day! - This sounds similar to the amazing and unique ... "Oh my Gosh... I just earned one dollar!" Wow! I guess it was sooo difficult ... Sorry, I really don't have time to read about your "amazing" achievement ...

UNEMPLOYED BUYS MILLION DOLLAR HOME. LEARN HOW - Why are you screaming at me? Anyway, I know the answer without opening your solo ad ... His rich uncle has just died and he's the sole heir, right?

Just in Case You Live Under a Rock... - Sorry, not my case.

Earn a $MILLION$ with 70 cents! - I guess you know that actually I found this solo ad in my spam folder ... Even my inoffensive spam filter got crazy when this solo ad arrived ...

Conclusions ... If you say nothing, if you lie, if you like hype, if you think that the reader is dumb, if you only care about you ...then you may have a big surprise: your solo ads will quickly land in the Trash folder. Why do you expect the reader to open your email when all your subject line does is to make the reader think, "What a liar!". Don't you like it? Then get serious ...

To Your Success!
Adrian Jock

Author's Bio: 

If you're a solo ads advertiser, Adrian recommends you to read his recent ebook Ultimate Guide to Solo Ads. He guarantees you that it will NOT help you make millions in the next few months, but ... it will definitely improve your results. Not ready to invest a fortune (yeah, suure!) in your education? What about subscribing to Ezine Advertising Info free newsletter?