From the moment we are born, we begin collecting hundreds of different ideas about ourselves: good, bad, smart, afraid, bold, clever, attractive, silly…whatever they might be. As we repeat these ideas to ourselves, they become an identity, a false identity of self. Our self-image will either enable us to reach great success, or it will terrorize us. Whether we are conscious of it or not, this mental blueprint is the picture of the way we believe ourselves to be. But this blueprint is not who we truly are, it is who we believe we are.

We Create Identities based on our Self-Image
You need to have an understanding of who you are if you wish to take conscious control of your life. The self-image we carry is key to the type of lives we lead. Our blueprint forms the actions, behaviors, abilities, and feelings we have. Because of this blueprint, we literally act out the type of person that we think we are. As long as you hold on to that mental image, or blueprint, no amount of commitment or hard work will cause your life to be any other way. That’s because you act the way in which you see yourself.

It doesn’t really matter if the conditions that created our blue print were erroneous or exaggerated, as far as our minds are concerned, the conditions are true. Once the information has been recorded, we don’t question it. Usually, it’s not possible for us to even consciously recall how the belief even began. We just live our own truth.

Your Actions Are Not Who You Are
There are a couple of things you should know. The first is the message that spiritual teachers throughout the ages have been saying: “You are spiritually perfect, whole and complete.” We are all connected to our Higher Self, and we have wisdom and knowledge that we don’t often consciously recognize. It’s a difficult concept for most of us, the idea that we are amazing and complete, just as we are.

Another important concept is that while we are spiritually perfect, what we do is not always perfect. There is a distinction between who we are and what we do. Your actions are not who you are, they are simply what you do. When you are consciously aware of actions that aren’t in alignment with your desires or purpose, simply remind yourself “I know that I am spiritually perfect.” Don’t be surprised if your ego pops up and says “Who do you think you’re kidding?!” The concept of being spiritually perfect makes your ego feel threatened.

Don’t be Fooled by Your Ego
Since your ego operates using your unconscious guidance system, it is reactive and it becomes threatened by change. It will lead you to identifying yourself as your actions. This leads to feelings of guilt or unworthiness. Don’t let your ego trick you into operating on the unconscious level! Otherwise you will blame yourself for not living up to the expectations you have for yourself and those around you.

Affirm your own spiritual perfection. That’s one way to consciously move around the self sabotage of your ego. The first step in consciously manifesting the life you desire is to realize, affirm, and believe the real truth about you. The Authentic you – you are spiritually perfect, whole and complete.

Author's Bio: 

Zoey Jordan is a writer and marketer living an abundant life in beautiful Northern California. Her blogs are focused on personal development & effective life strategies, focusing on creating abundance, law of attraction, and positive thinking. Her work can be seen at,, and Ms. Jordan has also authored several e-books on a variety of topics.