Controlling your breath is an useful technique in how to stop a panic attack when flying. However there are other steps to help reduce the chances of one happening. Those that have a fear of flight travel usually have dreaded thoughts about airplanes, such as extreme turbulence and crashes.

Flying is statistically one of the safest forms of travel. The chances of an accident happening on a plane are very slim. Be rational with your thoughts and avoid thinking of plane crashes, especially before a flight. Learning to break free from damaging thoughts can be difficult, but can set you free from the cycle of anxiety.

A person's imagination if not taken control of can instill fear and dread. As advanced as the nervous system is, it still is not able to differentiate an actual experience from an imagined one, which means simply thinking of a plane crash can trigger symptoms. An easy way to stop negative thoughts is by focusing on positive ones.

Simply thinking or doing something else is a powerful method in how to stop a panic attack. Using visual imagery when meditating is effective at relaxing you and distracting you from thoughts of fear. Make it a daily habit to practice breathing and visualization exercises. A comfortable and quiet place to sit and practice is ideal.

Start the exercise by closing your eyes. Notice your lungs expand on each inhale and as you exhale, release any tension in your muscles. Once you find a comfortable pace, start to envision a place of immense beauty. This could be a beach, a mountain scene, a lake or anywhere peaceful.

The idea is to get yourself fully immersed into this picture in you mind, vividly imaging every sound and sight you see. Do this as long as you wish and as you arouse, breathe in deeply. This is a great way to slow your breathing, your heart rate and clear your mind.

Another great tip on how to stop a panic attack on a plane is by being prepared. Book the flight well in advance and request an aisle seat if you can. People who suffer from claustrophobia may especially appreciate an aisle seat, but they give you more freedom to get up and walk around. Prepare your luggage in advance and avoid packing on the day of travel.

Traveling can be boring, so take an MP3 player to listen to or a magazine to read. It's better to be a little early at the airport. Get yourself relaxed by walking around the shops. You can also practice visual and breathing exercises.

It's a good idea to tell a member of the cabin crew that you're a nervous flyer. On most flights, there will be staff trained in how to stop a panic attack. When you have located your seat, sit down and begin to practice relaxation exercises. Keep hydrated and stay away from sugary snacks, alcohol, caffeine and any stimulating substances.

Tell yourself that you will be fine and think positive thoughts. Reassure yourself that even if you have a panic attack that you can control it. If sensations of an attack begin, don't worry, relax and bring attention to your breathing. A paper bag can help stop you from breathing too quickly and hyperventilating. Remember that the cabin crew is there to help you if you do have a panic attack.

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Discover a cure for panic attacks in just a few minutes. This treatment has helped thousands of anxiety sufferers in how to stop a panic attack.