Buy one and if possible go on a course and learn how to use it or better still book me for a two hour workshop within your company at a time to suit you, usually the lunch hour or immediately after work or if you get enough friends and colleagues together we could arrange a workshop.

There’s no point having one if it’s kept at the bottom of your handbag and you have to search to locate it and worse still, don’t know how to operate it effectively.

It’s not going to stop you being attacked but it can help to disorientate or distract your assailant buying you those precious seconds to get to a place of safety.

Once it goes off don’t think that anyone will to help you, most people just don’t do that but the sound of the alarm going off will serve a double purpose.

It will deter or distract your assailant, and it will also generate a terrific noise so that even if no one comes to your aid at least you’ve created a “stage” for yourself and people will look so you won’t feel as alone.

I’m not advocating that you carry it every second of every day but if you are out and about or in unfamiliar territory or even out shopping in a busy area it would make sense to have it to hand.

If you’re carrying a handbag, attach it to your wrist and then to your bag. If you’re not carrying anything, have it in your pocket or if you are feeling particularly vulnerable, carry it in your hand ready to use at a moments notice.

The great thing about modern alarms is not only are they very noisy but they also have a powerful flashlight attachment. This can be used if you are going back to a parked car in the dark.

You could also use to momentarily “blind” your assailant by shining it in their eyes, set off the alarm and screaming as loud as you possible can, run as fast as you possible to a public place or a place of safety.

Best wishes,

Garth Delikan
The Lifestyle Guy - Personal Empowerment Coach

Author's Bio: 

Garth FK Delikan
When a person is stressed it could impact on their health and lifestyle in several ways. Nutrition, weight management and if you don’t feel good about yourself there could be a fear around personal safety. The key factor to gain control of self confidence centres around stress management.
When I first started out along this path, many years ago, the concept of The Lifestyle Guy came to mind... I, and perhaps you, like many people over the years who go through significant personal change, are given a second chance to begin life again - but this time by new rules.
Lifestyle is a great word because it encompasses so many concepts, but to my mind, it means the ability to change what you want in your life, whether personal or professional, by taking control of your own emotions and your own destiny!
When a person is stressed it could impact on their health and lifestyle in several ways. Nutrition, weight management and if you don’t feel good about yourself there could be a fear around personal safety. The key factor to gain control of self confidence centres around stress management.
Garth Delikan The Lifestyle Guy - Personal Empowerment Coach