We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Body Building". If you have expertise in Body Building and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
For years, all the pro athletes used illegal steroids instead of bodybuilding supplements. Steroids just worked better! Bodybuilding supplements used to consist only of protein powder that tasted like chalk, desiccated liver pellets and creatine monohydrate. Bodybuilding supplements just didn't ... Views: 2771
A large thick chest is generally one of the primary goals of any weight trainer or bodybuilder.
To understand how to build a massive chest you must first understand what muscles comprise the chest and how to target them specifically.
In building a strong, powerful chest we target a number of ... Views: 17901
All athletes love the magical, sought after state of mind known as the *zone.*This state of supreme focus helps athletes in all sports perform at their peak.
Many athletes who want to reach their peak potential are always in search of secrets to hop into the '*zone.* But the zone is really not ... Views: 1171
How successful would you be with Tiger-like confidence? Tiger Woods is known for having one of the best mental games in the world of sports. Why do sports-minded people think that Woods is so mentally strong?
Maybe Tiger is successful because of his ability to come from behind and close better ... Views: 1313
You pump iron. You have a great body. You love the gym . . . in fact you spend more time there than at home. But its not all you, you, you.
Wouldn't you like to see other people get as much out of exercise as you do? You know that what matters most is in your head and in your heart. Are you ... Views: 854
Help Keep Teens Off Illegal Steroids. Support Steroid Free Bodybuilding!
Thousands of teens daily are trying Illegal Steroids for the first time. Steroid usage is very prevelant in High Schools & on sports teams. Some teens even get steroids from their fathers who want them to, "perform better" ... Views: 1499
A branch of psychology called neurolinguistic programming has made an interesting and useful discovery: You can change the way you imagine or remember things without changing what you imagine, and it will change your feelings. For example, if a visual memory makes you sad whenever you think ... Views: 892
"The changing of bodies into light, and light into bodies, is very comfortable to the course of Nature, which seems delighted with transmutations." - Isaac Newton
The Setting
After a very long day on a business trip to Santa Fe, I felt slightly disconnected, ready for something to ... Views: 2546
If you want to know how to get a six pack quickly, there is a two step process that needs to be followed. You need to strengthen your abs and lose body fat. While this sounds simple, taking the appropriate steps to make this happen is challenging. If you really want six pack abs, it will take ... Views: 18448
I don’t care how strong you are or how many years you have been lifting weight. If you lift heavy and do not employ sound technique doing the movements you will eventually get a shoulder injuries, its just the nature of the game.
The sad thing about working shoulders for bodybuilders is the ... Views: 6630
Recreational - Beginner
If your child is just starting out in a sport, it is important to make sure that they are having fun. If their budding interest is not immediately associated with a good time, that enthusiasm will quickly subside. It is also important to let the child determine the sport ... Views: 1388
It wasn't until I originally wrote this article about a year ago, for an old website I used to have, that I realized that I had something important to contribute to the bodybuilding community.
I had no idea when I wrote this article that it would single handedly raise the stock and notoriety of ... Views: 1328
Humour me for a moment and suppose you have just hit your thirty-fifth birthday. You’re not getting any younger, but who is? You struggle out of bed while trying to remember a time when getting up in the morning wasn’t such a struggle, or you may struggle to remember anything at all at that time ... Views: 2555
There are some people who can’t tell a lie, many who can’t tell the truth, and unfortunately, most people can’t tell the difference. Can you tell when someone is pulling the wool over your eyes? As children, we were raised to tell the truth and taught that honesty is always the best policy. We ... Views: 11312
Body building weight training enthusiasts always flock to one another in the gym looking for that magic muscle building button. One really doesn't exists naturally, but there is a proven body building workout technique that is second to none. This weightlifting technique is probably responsible ... Views: 9119
You only need two types of bodybuilding exercises to craft a really effective routine. Efficiency is a thing of beauty, unless you actually prefer to spend half your life at the gym, breathing sweaty air, and getting frustrated when you don’t get results. Use your brain before your brawn, and ... Views: 4343
Weight lifting is commonly promoted by leading health exerts in today's society. The promotion is good, but the specific workout instructions are skewed. They are skewed so badly that many weight lifting workout myths dominate the weight lifting world leading to lack of results.
Weight lifting ... Views: 24793
Intelligent natural bodybuilders know the difference between significant muscle gains, and lack of progress by how precise their training regimens are. By focusing on natural bodybuilding precision you too can see the maximum in muscle building results.
In natural bodybuilding, there leaves ... Views: 4093
Bodybuilding enthusiasts and athletes looking to gain an inside competitive advantage constantly battle with the temptation to take steroids or not. Deciding to body build naturally is much better than taking the steroid route. There are a number of good reasons to support this statement. ... Views: 8323
You constantly hear about people who desperately are trying to lose body fat. However, occasionally you hear about people struggling to keep weight on. They complain they are too skinny, and no matter how much they eat, or how hard they workout, they just can't seem to build fast muscle.
Their ... Views: 1859
Although I change routines often, this is the routine I use most often. I perform one or two warmup sets, increasing the weight each time. My heavy set is taken to failure, where I then perform partial movements, or a static hold for several seconds.
Tuesday: Chest, shoulders and ... Views: 1403
I've gotten several inquires about how to attain the coveted six-pack. The range of difficulty of getting shredded physique with a washboard stomach will vary person to person (especially in increasing idling America). And why is everybody so infatuated with abs anyway? I once saw a guy’s ... Views: 2474
How Do I Calculate Caloric Needs Based On My Goal (gain/loss/maintain)?
Listen, figuring out how many calories a day you need to lose weight, maintain your weight or gain weight really isn’t too hard. And with the formula I’m about to give you plus a very cool website, you can easily track ... Views: 28192
Here is how to eat your way top massive gains
Commercial Calorie bars are not new and they are not cheap, a good bar will cost you $2-$3 dollars a bar and I personally don't think they are worth the money… for that kind of investment I would purchase a good and proven weight gainer
But for ... Views: 1653
If you are like most who seek to gain muscle mass, the literally dozens of diet and training theories are absolutely baffling! Have you tried programs that promise 50 pounds in 6 months, but neglect to tell you 45 of those 50 are pure FAT? Even worse, how does it feel to purchase supplements ... Views: 1234
Are you confused about muscle growth?
Before beginning to lift weights, my arms measured 12.5 inches flexed, and my chest 35 inches relaxed, at 6'2" in height and 130 pounds (extremely thin). I aimed to transform my naturally skinny frame into a muscular, cut physique (VERY low body fat -- abs ... Views: 5926
Would you like to shape up your body? Maybe you would like to trim down to give yourself a sleek, sexy look. Or perhaps you want to tone your body so you have a firm, fit look. If you want to improve your looks and health, there are some steps you can take to do this. The following material ... Views: 974
Smart weight loss should always encompass a balanced dieting scheme in union with a relatively intensive and scientifically designed fitness workout program.
The levels of intensity during exercising may vary among individuals and are directly correlated on an individualistic basis.
The more ... Views: 1842
Muscle-Building Exercises and Growth-Boosters.
I have 'emerged' some subtle bodybuilding
techniques that infuse rapid muscle-growth
to any trainee. You see, the "factor of top
intensity levels" in combination with
"aggressive workouts that expel ... Views: 1715
Deadlifts are a very potential muscle-building exercise, that will rejuvenate your entire physical condition, to a whole new level -- if executed astutely.
Here are some facts, on how Deadlifts can dramatically improve your physical power, to singularly maximized levels:
* Deadlifts Will ... Views: 9876