Joseph Riggio is The Official Guide to "Communication Skills and Training". You can find complete information on Joseph Riggio and his products by visiting
Are you winning the media game? Is your message getting across through the media? Discover how to be better at dealing with the media, especially doing TV interviews. A good reason to do media training to master TV interviews is because it can save time, money and stress by updating your skills ... Views: 1120
Like the late Rodney Dangerfield, you may sometimes find that you "don't get no respect." In Rodney's comedy routine, disrespect was amusing. But in real life it fills us with indignation.
Our typical response is sarcasm or avoidance. Has such a ... Views: 1362
Union City, California (BUZZFON) July 8, 2004 – A small but emerging Filipino VoIP company, Bonusfon, answers to the clamor of the market today by launching, BuzzfonP2P, a free, compact and convenient soft phone that allow users makes clear pc to pc calls possible without the choppiness, echoes ... Views: 1251
WIN THE “YEAH BUT” GAME in 5 Easy Steps
You know the game, don’t you? Someone invites you to helpthem solve a big problem and every great suggestion you makeis met with, “Yeah, but that won’t work because….” Frustratedand defeated, you finally give up.
Next time someone tells you about a ... Views: 3781
A handshake is often part of that all-important, made only once, first impression. Introductions can produce some anxiety when we aren’t sure what to do. Rules are
more lax than they used to be, but following these guidelines helps to avoid anxiety and creates an atmosphere for building ... Views: 3098
Scenario A: You just finished an interview where you explained to the Human Resources (HR) manager your role in a recent project that brought revenue of $500,000 to your previous employer. The HR manager is the first point of contact in the interview process at the company for which you yearn ... Views: 1164
1) Listen without judgment. The key to good communication is listening well. Save your judging for later after you have heard and understood what was said.
2) Listen with the willingness to be swayed to the other person's opinion. No obligation to actually being swayed, but stay open to the ... Views: 13494
1. Exceptional people skills and the ability to start a wonderful conversation with anyone you meet are essential life skills. Your success and happiness are directly related to the development of these social skills.
These skills are not optional unless you want to be excluded from what is ... Views: 1211
Why should you bother to spend your valuable time learning how to develop exceptional people skills?
Here´s why.
Look at the people who seem to have it all - a great job, an active social life and a happy family life. What do these people have in common?
They all have excellent communication ... Views: 1080
We’ve all had people like this working for us, or with us. People who couldn’t communicate their knowledge in a way that was effective, engaging, informative and interesting. What a waste of talent!
Do we have an obligation to make what we say interesting? No, but if we want people to listen ... Views: 972
Bringing your emotional baggage into the work place is inappropriate for all the reasons you may imagine. Yet employees, managers and business owners do itall the time.
The question is, how do you handle it? How do you look at your manager and think, "No one is going to tell me what to do!" ... Views: 1800
Many Moons ago. Talking to people was something I avoidedwhere possible.
At the time, I did not know I was unconsciously settingmyself up for failure. I kept making the same mistakeswithout even noticing what I was doing wrong.
You may be doing the same thing.
Here are three common mistakes ... Views: 1537
At times, we are confronted by people who seek to intimidate us. This offensive behavior is most frequently a cover-up for their fear. Let us investigate why we play this role and how we can communicate with those who behave towards us in this way.
1. As intimidators we seek to control others ... Views: 3132
Language is a challenging way to communicate. It allows us to share our thoughts and feelings by describing our personal views of reality.
Yet language is not reality. It is merely a limited system of symbols, signals, sounds, or gestures that belong to a specific culture or group. It only ... Views: 1297
Many kinds of interferences or disturbances can confuse a message. Communication specialists call them ''noise.'' A noise is anything that competes against communication.
Obviously, if we want our communication to be effective, we have to be continually on our guard to detect such noise, ... Views: 1299
Janet found that her boss, clients and vendors all interrupted her continually. She thought they were rude until she realized she was using too many words. When she told her boss that she was putting the holiday candles on her office budget instead of the holiday budget, she began by explaining ... Views: 1512
There were three men and three women at the Story Theater Retreat in Colorado Springs last weekend – a nice balance of energies. Each of the six participants came to develop their stories for presentation to a business audience. Interestingly enough, two of the female participants shared a ... Views: 1679
Ineffective communication is a major, yet avoidable, obstacle to business productivity. And yes, it can be avoided. Given the will, the bleakest of situations can be turned around for the better.
Management must face squarely the challenge of formulating strategies to encourage ... Views: 3957
Networking & A Personal Touch
(“What I Do ‘Is Not’ Who I Am”)
Ah, the personal touch that continues to make a big difference, for the better in our lives and the lives of those, who have an opportunity to experience a personal touch from us.
If networking and effective communication ... Views: 2766
What makes a great communicator so persuasive? What makes the best leader motivational? How does one become a great, inspirational leader?
"I wasnt a great communicator, but I communicated great things."--Reagan in his farewell address as president.
Voice Their Dreams A great leader is able to ... Views: 9394
Did you know that tone of voice and non-verbal
language are more important than words in conveying
meaning in communication? We spend so much time
figuring out what we’re going to say that we often
forget that our facial expressions, gestures and
voice tones are speaking volumes.
You can say, ... Views: 1442
Aha Solutions Unlimited
There is a pink elephant between you and another person. You know what I mean. There is something left unsaid. There is some issue hanging in the air. It is like there's a big pink elephant hanging in the space between you and the other person. Perhaps the other person ... Views: 7843
Dealing with conflict is a frequent concern for many organizations. Managers and supervisors have to deal with conflict on a daily basis. Many times conflict happens when people see situations differently. Often the potential conflict can be defused by understanding the other person’s point of ... Views: 1879
Improving communication is a major need for many organizations.
Whether you are a manager, supervisor, or frontline employee, there are always opportunities to improve communication. Often, communication problems occur when people don’t pay attention to the basics. Here are five keys to ... Views: 4056
Giving good advice is a great gift. Yet, we sometimes run into trouble because of the way we offer it. The ability to give advice in a positive, constructive way is an art. Here are three points to help us offer advice with effectiveness and compassion.
1. Listen first. While this rule is true ... Views: 15445
Washington Post columnist Bob Levey shared a list of some of his favorite funny headlines. His list includes some incredibly funny, laugh-out-loud lines. Among them were:
•"Study Finds Sex, Pregnancy Link."
•"Official: Only Rain Will Cure Drought."
•"Low Wages Said To Be Key ... Views: 4564
YOU are the ONE
The #1 excuse or fear I hear the most from speakers is, "Who am I to speak to this group of people? I'm nobody special."
Ok, I know email is not the easiest way to pump you up and
give you a motivational shot in the arm, but I'm going to
give it my ... Views: 1692
Tools & Techniques for Fighting Fair
A major challenge in any relationship is handling conflicts. We all have conflicts and disagreements but how we handle our conflicts can mean the difference between an emotion-driven shouting match and creative problem solving. Having a conflict ... Views: 2843
Ever notice how comfortable you feel with certain people? You can say and do what you want, and communication flows smoothly.
Then, there are those OTHER people. The ones whose footsteps in the hallway make the hair on the back of your neck bristle as you put on your armor for the battle that ... Views: 3572