We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Conflict Resolution". If you have expertise in Conflict Resolution and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Communication is not only the life's blood of a marriage, it is the cornerstone that the foundation of relationship skills rest on. You have to have good communication skills to be able to convey your love, affection, and commitment to your loved ones. You can not effectively problem solve ... Views: 2848
Building a solid foundation for the development of good communication skills involves learning how to listen effectively. There are several elements of effective listening. These elements include attention, reflection, ability to tolerate tension, and ability to challenge the assumptions that ... Views: 3765
Most of you are your own worst critic. So when you make a mistake you are much harder on yourself than you would be on anyone else. It is completely normal to be disappointed with yourself, but the longer you beat yourself up the longer it takes for you to regain your confidence.
If you ... Views: 1397
If you follow sports you have noticed that top athletes do not always perform consistently. A world class runner may break a world record in one competition and then not even place in the same event one week later. A champion weight lifter might break a record and then be unable to lift that ... Views: 1679
In one of the first classes I taught, I had a student who was always scowling at me. It would have been really hard to miss that scowl. He sat in the front row and it was a small class in a small room.
He was friendly enough when he entered the class room and when he left for the evening. ... Views: 1297
The origin of most conflicts, whether between couples, colleagues or friends, stems from the conviction that each party feels he/she is “right.” One’s needs, values and interests thus differ from the other to the point that each party will try to persuade the other to agree with what one ... Views: 1606
Hey there everyone!!
Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Now, why do you think this means a lot to me? Take a moment and think about it. What got you to start reading this? If you don't read "every" post, what got you to start reading this time? Was it simply because I ... Views: 2728
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***It's Not Personal - by Margaret Meloni, the Official Guide to Conflict Resolution
Sally looked at Mary Carol and said, "Wow how did you do that? How did you just brush it off, I mean Jim just got in your face and told you that he hates working with you. And you are just as calm and collected as ever." Mary Carol looked at Sally and said, "Well I am really not taking it ... Views: 1267
Often couples carry baggage from relationship-to-relationship. They do not realize that their new relationships fail as a result of the previous baggage. In any new relationship there is always one constant…themselves! Often, problems first arise with the couple's intimacy. These can have ... Views: 1706
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.”
Do any of you remember that charming little childhood chant? It was meant to ward off the cruel verbal taunts we received from other children. Sometimes kids can be very harsh with their teasing. Sometimes adults can be very ... Views: 3277
Understanding your choices is essential in managing conflict. And, yes, there is always more than one choice! You just have to decide what consequence you will live with. This helps you resolve your own inner conflict. And just as important is the strategy of providing choices for others ... Views: 1553
“I'm tired of arguing” are four of the most defeating words in your relationships. And there really are better ways for effectively managing conflict!
As a coach and human resource administrator, I've heard these words so many times and usually it says more about you than it does about ... Views: 6229
When you are serious about keeping your word, simplifying your life, or taking control of your schedule, you have to become selective about what you agree to doing. The word “no” isn’t the bad word you may have been taught it was as a kid. Instead, it’s your ticket to freedom. Understanding ... Views: 2731
The beauty of the mind can also be its downfall. One cannot overstate the significant importance of the human mind. Anyone can harbor anger and animosity at someone next to him or her and not be obvious about it. The mind is one instrument of amazing capacities that the human have control over, ... Views: 1915
The biggest obstacle to effective conflict management may just be your own history! You and the others in your relationships all have a past when it comes to communicating, building relationships and managing conflicts.
Your patterns of behavior are built on your perceptions of what is ... Views: 1151
There are so many positive strategies and processes to use in managing conflict effectively. And sometimes it’s very important to know how to avoid the pitfalls.
You will enhance your success in finding heart peace if you stay aware of the energies that are the indicators and outcomes of ... Views: 1518
Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. (Matthew: 5:23-25)
Managing conflict sometimes means ... Views: 1470
"When it is helpful to apologize?" asked Patricia, a client of mine, in one of our phone sessions. Her husband, Brent, often expected her to apologize and she was confused about when it was appropriate. The answer to this question is a little complex, because there are two different ... Views: 3953
Hi there everyone!!
I'm a professional working in the personal development industry. For 18 years, I've participated in all the various disciplines of personal development programs. Even with this extensive knowledge of the industry, I still sympathize when I meet someone at a networking ... Views: 5814
It is interesting to note different people's reactions when dealing with situations involving conflict. Some people act tenaciously like a Jack Russell, yapping and barking loudly and refusing to back down; going on the offensive seems to be inbred in their nature. Other's respond more like a ... Views: 1683
One of the more common definitions of conflict is that it is a clash between two (or more) opposing groups or that it is a power struggle or a battle between opposing forces.
When you think of conflict, you may think of it as a negative (think power struggle or battle) or you may think that ... Views: 1162
Question: What happens when you take someone with empathy and place them in a meeting with someone who is pitching a fit?
Answer: The person who is pitching the fit gets lucky because they have someone in the room who understands that sometimes others get upset in the workplace AND someone ... Views: 1133
A very common dilemma that many people face is that we want people to like us. We may even do things that we disagree with, just to be sure that people like us. We talk about this happening with children, but, unfortunately, this is usually something that we do not grow out of.
Why is it so ... Views: 1405
The Dysfunctional Landscape
It should be stated from the start that the obstacles mentioned in this article are those of a severe nature. I share the strategies and techniques for dealing with them because they are the same for minor dysfunctionality as they are for major train wrecks, the ... Views: 1533
There is a very important principle, called the “Positive Intent“. Positive Intent means, that there is always a positive function or purpose for what is currently happening in our lives. For example a behavior we don't like about ourselves, like getting angry when our kid whines, or getting all ... Views: 8766
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The Social Butterfly - by Margaret Meloni, the Official Guide to Conflict Resolution
The Social Butterfly
It seemed to John that Jane spent at least as much time away from her desk as she did at her desk. It seemed like every time he walked down the hallway he would see her speaking with someone. And she never made it through the company cafeteria without stopping to ... Views: 1077
Child Protective and Preventive Services are offered to families by the Department of Social Services which is mandated by law to protect children from abuse or neglect within their families, in foster care, or by persons responsible for the child's welfare as defined by statute. Services are ... Views: 1936
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***Conflict and You - by Margaret Meloni, the Official Guide to Conflict Resolution
Do you and the people you work with share the exact same beliefs, perspectives, priorities and goals? Probably not. Hmmm, I guess that means you are going to experience conflict. Conflict is a condition in which people’s concerns appear to be incompatible. In fact since you and your co-workers ... Views: 1703
Why look at the past? I can’t tell you the number of clients who have asked me that question in one form or another. What is the point of looking back? It will just bring me pain, or stir up old feelings of hurt or anger. It won’t help me to poke around in it, or so my clients often ... Views: 1434
"NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb 11:1
Whether your'e thinking about yesterday, pondering the events of today, visualising your future in ten years time, or remembering an experience in your childhood, you are creating NOW, in this ... Views: 982
Most couples separating or divorcing find that they are in a period of high conflict. Some have experienced constant arguments and fights for months or years; some are reacting to a sudden change of heart.
Regardless of the circumstances and presentation conflict between the between the ... Views: 1284
The Impact of Conflict Management Training on Customer Service Delivery. This was the title of my case study in partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree which I completed in 1996. More on this in a moment. Here it is 13 years later and…
In a recent survey training participants were asked ... Views: 1939
The idea of creating a community or a group of unified like minded folks is a great idea, but what happens when there is conflict? As long as there are individuals with different worldviews, there will be conflict. Lack of conflict resolution techniques has been the undoing of many communities ... Views: 2426
All problems are not equal. Some will bite you. Some just nudge you. Those nudges are worthy of more attention.
You will encounter two types of problems, acute and chronic. They have two distinct warnings signs and different methods of solving them. You need to be aware of both types of ... Views: 1622
Imagine...after months of waiting and anticipation the moment has finally arrived! Your beautiful baby enters the world and life is the fullest it has ever been! As the nurse gently places your newborn in your arms she slips a book into your hands. “This is your child’s manual,” she explains, ... Views: 1969
Every relationship has conflicts. In some relationships, conflict is a serious problem; in others, differences seem to be resolved without creating a major incident.
Think about the kinds of conflicts that happen in your daily life. These are typical:
1. Disagreements over who should do ... Views: 1012
It's a sore temptation to hunt down Osama bin Laden - one of the most consistent campaign promises made by President Obama - and yet there are strong arguments against it. U.S. forces would have to penetrate deep into provincial Pakistan and perhaps even conduct house-to-house searches. Such ... Views: 873
Conflict is a good motivator to address problems and to seek solutions for unresolved issues. It is a good warning sign that an area of your life, or your personality may need attention. However, if you sweep the warning signals under the carpet or ignore the motivation to confront and resolve ... Views: 1518
Conflict happens in relationships. And the tension it brings is opportunity knocking at the door.
We actually learn more by listening than we do by talking! When we are experiencing contrast or conflict with others, we are usually trying our best to persuade them to our point of view. ... Views: 2687
A monk asked Shigui, "What is the first principle?"
Shigui said, "What you just asked is the second principle."
-- from Zen’s Chinese Heritage
A few weeks ago, I was trying to pass along some information to a friend that I hoped would help resolve a conflict with which she was ... Views: 1021
Most of us grow up conditioned to believe that conflict is bad. That is a myth! And it’s a pretty destructive myth because it places all of us in a position of being bad in some way because we are in conflict within ourselves or we experience conflict with others.
Truthfully, being in ... Views: 1675
You may be coming to the realization that you are a powerful Being whose thoughts summon law of attraction, thus creating your reality and contributing to the expansion of the Universe. But do you know that your creative power is magnified when you pair your energy with the energy of another ... Views: 1511
When there is a build up of anger in a relationship, healthy communication is clearly absent. Both ears and mouths are not working properly. Messages being given are likely to be interpreted through a filter that hears only what anger expects to hear. The message, as it might be offered, is ... Views: 1678
We all have difficult people in our lives, and unfortunately, we must deal with them to get things done in life. It can be your ex, your parents or your in-laws. It could be your employer, employees or co-workers. Sometimes it’s the store cashier, the customer service agent or another ... Views: 5575
To explain not posting for the last ten days, I noticed that I was reluctant to admit that we just returned from a California vacation. That reaction seems strange considering in our small town it is an annual communal practice to head south or to the mountains when Montana State University ... Views: 747
Are you and your spouse worried about what’s happening with your savings, your pension, your children’s college funds, or just staying employed? Do you find yourself fearful of your futures together? Do you find yourselves disagreeing with your partner about how to weather this financial ... Views: 1264
Crises Leave Multiple Energetic Imprints
The Chinese translation means both “danger” and “opportunity”. We live in a time of multiple global crises which can even more intensify individual crises.
In the course of a well-lived lifetime one will experience serious, multiple crises. The ... Views: 862
Fiona was Corrie’s manager at a branch of a large financial institution that had branches across the U.S. Europe and Asia. They had recently come up with a new process that Fiona was hoping that the organization would adopt throughout their operations. As Corrie was instrumental in developing ... Views: 1582
What difference would it make to your life if your relationships, at home and at work, were based on mutual understanding and respect, where you inspire each other to be your best and enjoy the differences between you? The Enneagram is a powerful and still surprisingly little known approach to ... Views: 3649
Every human being needs to get around satisfactory human relations, both in the family and other areas. Your emotional well-being will depend largely on the capacity you have to achieve this objective. In 328 BC, Aristotle said humans are social animals. Nowadays, more and more evidence is ... Views: 2136